Chapter XVIII

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"This is what we wanted

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"This is what we wanted. Isn't it?" Emmeline murmurs as the plane engine roars to life. "Say something, please,"

I hate not knowing how to comfort her at this moment but my mind is as frazzled as hers. The woman I love is bound to another man, and it's not even the only man I would be happy seeing her with.

We're careful not to draw Chloe's attention but I can't help but lean closer to her. Just my presence seems to calm her anxious mood, and I rest my hand on her knee, stopping it from bouncing frantically.

"Emmy, you did the right thing. There was nothing else to do."

Tears well in those deep brown eyes. Something twists around my heart, squeezing violently. "I feel so bad, horrible. I hate this."

"Me too." I follow her gaze to Ajax. We all struggle to contain our emotions but him more than most. That's why he's been giving Emmy the cold shoulder, avoiding at all costs to avoid the breakdown he suffered after we found Theo and Emmeline together.

"He'll come around soon. He just needs time."

"I miss him." She wrings her hands together, twisting the bracelet on her wrist that binds us all. "I just hate that he's hurting and the only thing that makes him feel better is Chloe."

That is something I haven't quite cracked myself. They're both sitting on the other end of the plane, Ajax genuinely laughing at all she has to say.

Jealously hits me hard for a moment, remembering how he actually enjoyed their date to the ball. Quinn was lovely intellectual company but I wouldn't repeat it again.

"Maybe he sees something we can't? They have been spending more time together and we all Chloe puts on a persona with you to appear better."

Their mutual feud has lasted since childhood though I doubt any of us could recall why.

My eyes naturally drift to the ring that brightly shines on her hand. "I'll take it off as soon as we get back. Only wear it for show."

"I don't want you to do that." I'll be like hiding a piece of herself and I'll be damned if any part of Emmeline is shoved aside.

"I want to. It's too heavy anyways."

My lips tilt up, "True, a little gaudy for my taste."

Those reddened eyes crease a spark of light that was otherwise lacking before. I look back at Ajax, who appears resilient in ignoring us. Though not callous, it still burns a hole through my chest.

All I know is that I have to fix it, fix the rift that's already starting to create a divide between us.


"Oh, Emmeline, it's gorgeous and you are radiant." Aunt Arabella hugs her tight, gushing over how much older her daughter looks.

"Thalnia agrees with you." My father adds, and then he takes me aside. Away from the emotional reunion we both parents greet Ajax and Emmeline, even Huxley steps out to meet his daughter.

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