Chapter XXV

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Mal rushes unsteadily around the room, trying to find the rouge lipstick that is apparently the only one that will match the dress

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Mal rushes unsteadily around the room, trying to find the rouge lipstick that is apparently the only one that will match the dress. It takes all my strength to remain planted on the podium, my dress billowing around my slender frame.

"Relax, please. You're making the room spin."

Dropping to her knees, she digs under my bed. "Ha! I found it. See I told you it would be here somewhere."

I bend my head a little so she can draw my lips with the smoky red. "Am I perfect now?"

"Better than perfect." I snort, taking her hand as I step down. My tiara is encrusted with bright rubies, enough to satisfy Mal's inane need for my outfit to match.

"I don't know how one could be better than perfect."

"And that's why, I'm the stylist slash handmaid." I grab the tiara and gently place it on my hand.

According to Dahlia law, she can't actually touch the royal jewels so she has to work around it, fixing my hair in place. "God I hope it doesn't fall out."

"Planning to dance tonight?"

"No, you know I hate dancing but Theo loves it. Apparently my parents are planning on doing some traditional Thalnia dance which includes a lot of jumping around."

"It's your engagement ball, Emmeline and you talk as if it's a death sentence. I thought you wanted this."

"I'll never want this, but Theo is good. You're right, instead of moping I should be smiling. I should be happy." Glancing at myself in the mirror, I plaster on a smile. It lights my features, the appearance of happiness making me glow...but it's not real.

Even I can't fake being happy, no matter how hard I try.

I whip around when the door bursts open. "Excuse me King Theo you cannot just barge..."

"It's okay Mal." I try to read his features but he appears to be some unrecognisable man, eyes wild with betrayal. "Could you give us some privacy?"

She hesitates at first, lingering between staying and going but Theo wouldn't hurt me. Right?

"Leave. Now." He snaps at Mal, hard enough that she flinches before walking out.

Once the door shuts, I let my anger ripple out. "Don't speak to her like that."

"Oh and what you think you're the epitome of manners, Emmeline? How about some fucking honesty?"

"Honesty?" The thought pervades my mind, his anger, the way it controls him and I know it can only mean one thing. "You know."

"Yeah, I fucking know." His sardonic smile says it all. Either way I'm screwed.

"Theo, however you found out...look, I was going to tell you. I promise you, I was."

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