Chapter XIII

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My eyes continued to marvel at the stone column that created a vast parthenon on the edge of the Kingdom

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My eyes continued to marvel at the stone column that created a vast parthenon on the edge of the Kingdom.

"It was constructed by the late King himself as a gift to the village for their hard work in contributing to the economy through their businesses and hard work." Quinn, King Theo's advisor and our escort to the Palace narrates.

She decided to give us a mini tour on the way, which was either a nice touch on her part, or a calculated decision to give her King more time to prepare.

"How much longer?" Chloe whines, attempting the shield herself from the blazing sun with her hand. I threw her my hat, causing her to yelp in surprise. Her gaze turns seething on me. "You didn't have to throw it!"

"A simple thank you would be nice." She rolls her eyes, heading back to the limo.

Darkness veils over my eyes for a moment, as a cap is tightly fitted onto my head. "Can't let you burn on my watch Princess," I check to make sure Quinn isn't watching and then lightly kiss his cheek.

"Thank you," Damien is watching us besides Quin, keeping her busy with a discussion on Roman philosophy, but his disappointment radiates.

Before we left for Thalnia, Damien gave us both a strict warning on PDA, since Ajax and I struggled to keep it under wraps. Our secret cannot be unspoiled here, especially not with Chloe lurking in the background.

Her father forced her to come, probably to keep an eye on me or part of her advisor training, but as soon as Ajax announced he was going as well, she was all smiles.

At least until we got here. The heat is a major stressor. If I marry this Theo then I would most likely have to move to Thalnia. It's beautiful, but it's not home. It's not Dahlia.

"Your Majesty, that concludes the tour of some of the beautiful sights of Thalnia. I'm sure on one of your other trips out here, the King himself would be pleased to show you more."

"Please, call me Emmeline and that sounds lovely." Gag. At myself, not Quinn, she's lovely.

I hate my fake persona that is adopted for politics and socialising. My favourite part of ruling is going to the villages, being able to walk where I want, talk to whom I want, and just be myself. Find out what my people want and then act on it.

If I come here, would I ever get to be myself again. Without everything and everyone that makes me that way.


My palace is bigger than his - I just had to say it.

Yet I like it, it feels warmer, more homely and I fucking hate that I can see myself curled up on the hammock that hangs within the grove. I glance at my two boyfriends that both share a similar expression of almost mourning.

We're all in the guest room I'm occupying for the duration of the stay, barely a week, which according to the other advisors is plenty of time to get engaged. "What are you thinking?" I direct them both.

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