Chapter XXXVI

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"I still can't believe you cut off his dick

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"I still can't believe you cut off his dick." I lower my head a little as we enter through Kalmia. The cap sinking below my brow.

"Well he wasn't much of a man to begin with so I doubt it matters." Ajax snorts at that, before telling me to turn right up ahead.

The palace has turned from a distant speck to a towering entity that resides a mere 10 miles away. I can feel my heart racing faster with every metre that passes, unsure of how any of our parents will deal with our sudden rise from the dead.

As custom with Dahlia mourning, all curtains are drawn black in symbolic support of the kingdom. A huge black flag hangs from the tower, replacing the traditional blue that carried the dahlia crest.

Fuck. The world will either hate us or love us, and for our plan to work it has to be the latter.

"Shit, what do we do now?" I stop the car as we reach the border into the kingdom.

Every week a hundred deliveries are given out but everything is throughout checked, and any imposters are sent to the prisons until verifications can be delivered.

Thankfully, Ajax used to work on the patrols out here.

Yet, as the guards come into view, stern expressions giving away little, if any emotion, I realise this is going to be harder than I thought.

"Do you recognise them?" Damien murmurs, inching closer as the guard knocks on my window.

Ajax shakes his head, and I roll the window down, unsure of what to do but smile.

Maybe they'll recognise me? Then again, who would believe they're seeing the dead princess?"


"Reason for visiting the palace?" My mind falls blank, and I continue to stupidly smile.

"Whiskey distribution. We're from McKinley and son." I recognise the brand as the only one Damien deems suitable to drink.

The guard draws closer, peering at Damien. "You're not the usual Ian and Connor."

"They're sick." I eagerly offer. Okay, maybe a little too eager.

He stares at me for a long time, his upper lip twitching at the mole. "Documentation and proof of ID."

I really fucking wish we had the ability to read each other's mind right now. But in reality, the only thing I could say would be what the fuck are we going to do now?

Ajax leans forward, opening the dashboard as if searching for the invisible papers. Sighing, the guard glanced away for a split second, stepping back to shout something to his colleague.

"Go!" Ajax pushes on my leg, forcing my foot down on the accelerator.

I drive straight through the barrier, watching it split into two as we race towards the place. Glancing in the side mirror, I find a plethora of guards, scrambling towards their vehicles, some on foot and others screaming into their walkies.

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