Chapter XVI

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You know that Prince in shining armour that you always dreamt of marrying?

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You know that Prince in shining armour that you always dreamt of marrying?

The one that's depicted in all the stories and tales you long to one day find yourself?

The Prince your mother always tells you will one day sweep you off your feet and become the love of your life?

Well that's Theo. In every way he's the embodiment of the perfect Prince I used to long to marry. Except, he's a King which should make the whole thing better.

Instead, I'm freaking out.

With every conversation we have, every fleeting gaze in my direction, every slightest touch...fuck. I like him. That's the worst past, I like him. As a friend definitely, but I know deep in my soul I can imagine a future with him where I'm happy, even if not in love

If we didn't exist of course. Our trio that completes the missing parts of my soul, utter perfection that casts darkness on the thought of everything else.

Including Theo, because nothing could amass to the happiness I feel with them, but slowly, they're weaning me away from them.

I knew it would happen soon, but this is hitting me like a truck at one hundred miles an hour.

The door suddenly clicks open, Ajax at the helm with Damien following him. "Hey,"

I quickly rush to draw the curtains, sheltering us from the exterior world that would only rip us apart.

Once I'm sure it's safe, I grab Ajax by the hair, yanking his lips to mine. I can't remember the last time we shared a kiss, too long since my body yearns more and more for him with each stroke of his tongue.

"My turn," Damien grunts, tugging me into his chest. His hand cradles my jaw, tilting my chin up, only to kiss me with enough force that all the air inside my chest is knocked out.

My hands drift down towards his belt, just as a body sidles behind me, resting his large palm on my ass. "Please,"

"Please what?" Ajax skims my ear with the sharp cuts of his teeth. My body shivers.

"Please touch me, fuck me, do whatever you like just do something."

"Firstly, tell us how your date went." It's strange that Ajax is the one directing us, his jealousy is what I feel as his hand squeezes tighter.

"It was..." I shake my head. "No, I can't. I don't want to talk about it."

"You mean him?" I avert my gaze from the both, nodding. Something that feels like shame creeps up my spine, knowing.

"Emmeline, look at me." Damien grips my chin, forcing it up so I can't escape his magic truth seeking powers. One look and I'm fucked. "This doesn't work without complete honesty, so I need you to tell us the truth. Even if it hurts. We're big boys, we can handle it."

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