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"My darling sweetheart baby I know. I know. The past haunts you. I know. Let me kiss your fears away."



Gia had lived in a state of dysphoria. The scars that taint her skin are only one piece of proof.

Her life was a brume of depression, a clearing was a rare occasion. She spent her whole life living without will. Now, I was going to make her life something worth living for so she could stop believing that her downfall was so predictable.

She screams, unbound, half of her body outside of the sunroof. Elated, free- she felt. Detached from her life before. This is Gia.

Not her past that follows like a shadow. Not her pain that sometimes still stabs at her heart.

I was going to teach her that her issues don't define her. Pain was a feeling, depression was a mentality- that wasn't her gorgeous personality that I couldn't get enough of.

Her parents, her friends, her relationships before- this isn't what I see when I look into her eyes.

I want to make her understand that she is she, and they are them, and whatever still pains her until this day has nothing to do with her.

She drops back into her seat, panting. "That felt so nice; to scream." A smile gleaming. "It feels nice to be out of that house."

It makes me ache, knowing that most of the time she doesn't know how pretty she is. That she doesn't know I'm close to crashing this car because her pretty lips infiltrate my mind. That I'm only seconds away from parking this car in an empty road and kissing the fuck out of her.

I do just that.

"What are you doing?" Blind to how she effects me, blind to how her name is the only thing I think of because I can't get enough of it. Gia- the darling song of my heart.

With the car on park, the night blanketing over us in dark paint and sparkling stars, not a person in sight, my lips cling to hers in a desperate entangle. My hands a mind of their own as I pull her against me. Despair, no control, yearning. Weeks of living in dread because I didn't have this.

She shares the same desire. A small hand gripping the back of my neck. A pull not made physically but emotionally. Like magnet on metal; a force.

Another hand in my hair, tugging with sufficient might. Her lips  feel soft against mine; perfect, sweet, angelic. Heaven on earth is how I would describe it.

Weeks of only fantisicing. Her lips were a memory, a touch that lingered far more than I would've wanted it to. Weeks in which my wants ascended into needs, and now I was being kept at ease as her lips consume me.

Pulling away from each other was difficult. When we did, we were a mess. A lusty, erotic mess. Her darkening eyes only added to that.

Her gaze that moved from my eyes, to my lips, to my lap. That glint in the brown that was her eyes a sign for me to take.

Pushing the seat as far back as it goes, my fingers fiddled with the button of my pants. Her lips caress the skin of my neck with kisses. A delight when she sucked the skin, claiming me as hers.

She lifted her shirt over her head, removed her pants and threw it all into he backseat. Scenes that played in my head at night, starring her in only the lacy bra and panties she wears now, become reality.

Her lips press against mine as she straddles my lap. My hands can't leave the soft skin of her body. They roam her waist, her hips, her ass, her thighs. How pretty she felt under my hands.

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