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"'Aren't you afraid of my darkness, my dear?' Hades asked with mischief in his eyes. 'No,' Persephone replied, 'you haven't even seen mine yet.'"


"Hey, you alright?" I nodded a yes. Tyler settled next to me on the couch and put a coffee cup on the coffee table. "I woke up early and decided to go to Starbucks, I got you what you always ask for." I smiled at his kindness.

I couldn't get last night out of my head.  Seeing how mad Micheal had gotten over a simple question. It made me rethink our entire relationship, but I blamed myself for overthinking. You can't waste almost three years like that.

"What's wrong, gorgeous? You can talk to me." Tyler flicked off the TV. The show playing wasn't interesting anyways.


Actually, it wasn't "nothing". I had spent all day thinking about Micheal and how i was hurting him. I knew he didn't feel it because he didn't know, but I'm scared that he can feel the pain even if he doesn't know where it's coming from.

He set his coffee cup on the coffee table. He moved closer to me, his arm perched on the back rest.

"Are you sure?" He asked, his expression sincere. I could tell Tyler cared about me.

I wasn't sitting completely back, so I felt his chest behind me. The warmth of his body traveled to me through his shirt.

I nodded and smiled without showing teeth.

His other hand found its way into my thigh, the closeness of his hand making me wish I could re-experience yesterday.

This has to stop.

His hand on the couch making it's way behind my neck. He brushed my hair onto one side. His thumb pressed the other side of my head making me lean my head to the side, where he used the opportunity to kiss on my neck.

His lips brushed lightly against my skin before littering kisses against my shoulder, making his way up to my neck. The hand on the other side holding my neck just where he wanted it to be.

He sucked lightly on my skin. "Tyler," I mumbled breathlessly.

His hand holding my neck wrapped around a fistful of hair and I felt him yank my hair to the side, giving him access to one whole side of my neck. The sudden pull of hair weirdly making me moan. Why did I like that?

He lifted his lips from my skin. "You like that, hm?" He pulled my head back by my hair again and my mouth dropped open to let out a moan but I held back. It hurt, but a good hurt.

Am i a psychopath for liking it?

He went back at it, sucking on my neck, pulling my hair every time my head leaned forward.

He suddenly pulled me onto his lap. The movement making me want him even more. I could feel his bulge underneath me, grazing my clit, making me gasp. He only smirked at my reaction.

With sudden confidence, I turned around so I was straddling his lap now. My head leaned onto his shoulder as he continued his assault on my neck. The shirt I was wearing allowed him access to my collar bone, which was his next target.

He pulled my hair back, making me sit up on his lap. His lips traced my collar bone, littering kisses. The touch makes me why whimper.

He hummed looking at the sight Infront of him. His eyes admired me, scanning every inch of me.

Then, he leaned into me, so close to my face. Our lips brushed against each other. The proximity making my heart beat speed up.

I had the big urge to kiss him right now. I wanted to kiss him so bad.

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