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"And life went on. It was not the same. But it went on."



When Max had told me a few days ago that Gia was to get married, I panicked.

I won't let her go through with this. So with a little research on Facebook, thanks to Micheal basically posting all of the wedding information on there, I was able to take the next flight to Gia.

And now here I am, in the church where Gia is to get married in less than 10 minutes.

She looks absolutely beautiful.

My jaw falls slack as my eyes attach to her. She walks down the aisle with confidence, yet I can see her terror.

I can see how her hands struggle to hold the bouquet of white roses because they shake so intensely. I can see the way her full lips struggle to hold the faux smile. I can see how she believes every step she takes is one step closer to her doom.

Nobody else, not her family, not Michael's family can see her truth. They can't see how much she hurts. They are too busy focusing on their son's big day to realize the scars that mark her arms. Too busy to see a fresh scar near her elbow, pink and sweeped with drying blood.

They can't see that even through the pain she still manages to look gorgeous. They can't see how she's holding back her tears because she doesn't want to ruin her makeup. They can't see how some days she barely manages to shower and dress, yet today she wears a beautiful gown.

And as much as they can't see her for everything she is, she can't see me. Because as I sit in the back corner of the church, my hands trembling and my leg bouncing unstoppably, she walks right past me. She isn't pretending, she's too caught up in her pretty brain to realize I'm even here.

The music stops once she reaches the alter. She doesn't adjust her dress, or her hair, no, she adjusts her smile. That fake smile that I can see right through.

"We are here today to unite Micheal Terrier Alex and Gianna Marylin Angelise in a forever marriage." Announces the priest. A simple sentence that twists my heart and guts at the same time.

Micheal doesn't look at Gia, he only looks at his family. Cherishes the pleased looks on his parents faces. How proud they are of him. He relishes the feeling of being validated, forgetting the beautiful women that stands by his side. How could a man forget someone like her?

Gia's breaths are deep and scared. I can tell by the way her chest lifts and falls, heaving with each breath. Any other person would believe it's just nerves. She's just nervous to marry him. But she isn't "just nervous", she is pretty much having a panic attack on that stage. The urge to get up and hug her was so strong.

"Any not in favor of this marriage let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Said the officiant.

Nobody sees me until I stand. Until the officiant catches me, his face in disgrace. And then everybody else follows his gaze, to me.

"I object." I say, loud and clear. When she hears my voice, when beautiful Gia hears my voice, her mouth falls open.

Mumrmurs and whispers spread across the room in waves. Who is he? How dare he? So disrespectful- they say, but Gia's eyes are on me, and as long as they are on me I don't care what they say.

"Tyler," she mouths, her breathing still loud and heaving but she's not scared anymore, she's excited.

"What the fuck!" Micheal yells and every head snaps to look at him. "Why do you always ruin things for me?" He begins walking down from the alter. His eyes burn into mine, throwing daggers at me. It is the angriest I have ever seen him.

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