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"I don't want to just have sex with you. I want to destroy you. I want your body to be sore for days, your mind craving me, and your fantasies to be filled with what I'm going to do next."


"Micheal, where are you?" I said into the phone. After our argument I didn't plan on caring about Micheal, but its almost 3 AM and Micheal isn't home yet. I was beginning to get worried so I decided on calling him, even though I took a few minutes to contemplate whether I should call him or not.

People laughing were heard in the background of the phone call. "Oh, um, yeah I forgot to tell you. I'm hanging out with the boys tonight. I'll, um, come back later." He slurred. All my worrying just for him to be drunk and hanging out with friends. Just great.

"Okay," i clipped and hung up.

I sat in bed underneath the covers, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt. Nothing to do except think mindlessly.

"Hey," I hear a voice call from the doorway. That voice is too familiar and too arousing to not know who it was. "You alright?" He asked.

The daily check-ins Tyler provides has helped me so much mental health wise. It sucks to be alone all day, bored with just my thoughts. The thoughts that are hidden in the back of my head when I'm not alone coming out to play. Having no consolation or anybody that actually cares makes it harder.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I answered. Tyler walked up to my bed and sat next to me, settling himself on the sheets.

I did not invite him to, but that doesn't mean he's uninvited.

"You can tell me if something's wrong. He spoke and looked sincere. "I won't tell Micheal." He whispered jokingly, making me smile.

"You don't seem fine, Gia. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to, but if you want to, please do." Nobody has ever talked to me as sweetly as Tyler has.

"You won't tell Micheal?" I held up my pinky finger which brought a pleasant smile to his face.

He pulled me onto his lap.

I didn't ask for him to, but I didn't not ask for him to.

"I promise I will not." With that he wrapped his pinky around mine. The action bringing child-like joy to us both.

I felt uncomfortable talking to Tyler about Micheal- someone we both don't want to hear about. But he asked for me to tell him what's wrong and I wasn't going to argue. I needed someone to talk to anyway.

"I'm worried about me and Micheal's relationship." I admitted. His smile faded and his face turned into one of full seriousness.

"We haven't been our best lately, and it scares me." I chewed on my lip. "It mostly scares me that it's my fault. For, you know... having whatever this is with you."

The sudden change in Micheal's attitude makes me overthink. What if it's because he's found out about me and Tyler and won't admit it? Instead he takes out his anger out on me physically? What if I'm the one who's had an attitude change and I don't realize it? It scared me that I'm the one causing our relationship to be like this and I just don't know it yet.

"Mm," he hummed, "he hasn't found out yet, right?"

"No, I don't think so." But the truth is that he might have found out a long time ago and he's just hiding it. "There is no way he could've." Yeah, Gia. until you decided to fall asleep in Tyler's room.

"What do you feel has been different in your relationship?" Tyler started to sound like a therapist and I felt bad for talking to him about Micheal.

"I guess how he's been acting lately." I responded truthfully

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