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"But what if he's watching her everytime she looks away?"


"Tyler is here," Micheal said. To be honest I had no idea who he was talking about.


"My friend-who i told you various times- will be staying with us for a while." He reminds me.

"Oh," I looked away and rolled my eyes at the reminder. Micheal did tell me various times and every time i told him that i didn't care as long as I didn't have to talk to his friend.

And once i actually see his friend a stunned 'oh' leaves my lips subconsciously. I am suddenly face-to-face with the most beautiful man I have seen in my life.

His big build, covered with ink patterns that crawl from his neck to his fingertips. The simple white t-shirt and sweatpants weren't extraordinary, yet it looked incredible on him. His brown eyes peered at me through dark loose curls. My bottom lip made its way between my teeth while studying his perfect features.

I felt an instant surge of attraction, but as soon as I felt it I was reminded of Micheal who stood beside me. Micheal, as in my boyfriend of 3 years.

"Hi," i say while trying to form my best welcoming smile, but i can't get over just how fine he is. And the way he's looking me up and down, as if trying to memorize every inch of me, is distracting me from my introduction.

"I'm Micheals friend, Tyler. Thanks for letting me stay." He says kindly.

The thing is, I never approved Tyler's stay. Micheal always thinks he makes the decisions since "i don't work but he does". But he didn't allow me to get a job when I wanted one; he told me that he would take care of all our financial needs. And although that sounded great, I would rather work than stay at home, alone, waiting until late for Micheal to arrive.

I smiled and tried to take my eyes off of his smile-or is it a smirk?

I followed Tyler's gaze and found him staring at the heart tattoo on my middle finger. A heart wrapped in vines. What was so interesting about that tattoo? He answered my question by pulling his hand out of his pocket and showing me a simular tattoo on the same finger. A heart wrapped in barbed wire. What a coincidence.

"Are you okay?" Micheal asked, referring to my unblinking stare on Tyler.

"Yeah," I responded but i didn't take my eyes off of Tyler. Something about the way he looked, the way he moved, how he looked at me- I found it mesmerizing.

Maybe it's because no one has looked at me like that in a while.

Micheal kissed the cherry tattoo under my ear. He has always kissed me there but this time he's trying to get my attention. It doesn't work.

I sat on the couch and tried to distract myself with the TV, but it wasn't interesting and my eyes found their way to Tyler.

There is no way I would be able to live with him for a couple days.

Micheal and Tyler are having an interesting conversation, or a boring one? I wouldn't know because im too busy deciphering ink patterns on Tyler's muscular arms. One of them seems like a dead snake, writhing in a pool of blood. I wondered what it means to him.

My mesmerized stare was cut short when Tyler's eyes found mine. My face flushed with heat and I quickly flicked my eyes back to the TV. He had caught me staring like a stupid fool, dazing over his precious body.

He excused himself from the conversation with Micheal and made his way over to me. Why would he literally stop talking in the middle of a conversation just to sit beside me? He slid down into the vacant space on the couch, right beside me. I wondered why I'm measuring our proximity and why it matters so much. It isn't like i felt nervous around him. Ha.

He faced me and his arm hung over the back rest behind me. "Tell me a little bit about yourself, Gia." He said, his voice low and like velvet. He literally quit his conversation to talk to me.

I had to admit that i did feel nervous. Not exactly nervous, just flustered. Like that's any better.

I shouldn't be feeling this way while my boyfriend is standing across from me. Gia, you need to get it together. You've got this, baby.

"Um, what do you wanna know?"

Micheal made his way to the kitchen. Probably understanding Tyler's need to introduce himself to me.

Wait. Why did he leave me alone? I didn't want to be alone. Not with this guy. His gaze is so intense, it makes me feel anxious just to be under it.

"How'd you get here? With Micheal. How's it like living with him?"

"It's great. He's great." My voice was robotic.

I was emotionless and motionless beside him. I tried hard to shake my nerves away. There is no reason to be this nervous. I shouldn't feel this way.

"Nice." He responded.

I mentally slapped my forehead. Could I not have been more awkward?

We sat in silence for a while, the only noise being whatever Micheal is doing in the kitchen. My hands fidgeted with each other, my leg bouncing nervously. The silence was so loud and obnoxious.

I wanted Tyler to speak so badly, to say something, anything. To start a conversation and to capture my attention. But his attention was already caught up on me, his intense stare was back. A glint in his eye shown a certain desire which i couldn't quite comprehend.

I couldn't help but notice how close he was to me right now. Just a couple inches separating us on the couch. His hand perched on the backrest of the sofa. A ring on his index finger occasionally brushes my shoulder, sending icy tingles down my body.

He was so close to me and although it didn't feel uncomfortable, I couldn't allow these tempting feelings to overwhelm me.

A simple wall was separating us from Micheal. At any moment, he could walk in and see Tyler touching me in ways only he could.

Tyler noticed how the slight touch affected me and used it to his advantage. He chuckled under his breath when a simple caress of his fingers made me press my thighs together, tighter than before.

I'm touch-starved. Yes, that's it. That is why I'm reacting this way.

My breath caught in my throat when he set his hand on my shoulder, not removing it this time. I felt him roll the strap of my shirt between his fingers. Not daring to look at him, I kept my gaze on the TV Infront of me. Although I had no care for the News right now.

He was so fucking close to me. I can't do this anymore.

Quickly thinking of an excuse to save myself from the situation, "I'm gonna go shower. It getting late." I announced, mostly to let Tyler take the hint but also letting Micheal know.

"Okay, baby." Micheal called out from the kitchen, his voice lifting with a slight echo.

I jumped up from the couch, Tyler's hand sliding down my arm as i got up. I shuddered as his hand touched mine, the warmth of it traveling up my arm in sparks.

Before I left I was quick to notice that his lips twitched up in a grin. A whole fucking grin.


I promise that this book is going to get so much better. I wasn't too proud about this first chapter.

I hope you'll continue reading and find out Gia and Tyler's story!

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