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"Have you ever missed someone so much you feel physically sick?"


Eating had become an event that i dreaded. I couldn't- wouldn't- eat since last Friday. Since Tyler left and I caught Micheal cheating on me, I wasn't able to eat.

Anytime I tried to eat I would become nauseous or straight-up vomit. I was begining to get worried as my vomit was just water. I don't think that's a good sign.

I couldn't even drink coffee. I tried to this morning but ended up spitting it out in the kitchen sink. The bittersweet taste was too much for me right now.

My days consisted of laying in bed all day doing absolutely nothing or binge watching sad Netflix series to have an excuse to cry. Even though it has only been three days of this routine, I have become bored.

I've been thinking constantly about calling or texting Tyler. I haven't blocked his number because I'm scared to. It feels permanent; like he's died.

But his words reminded me of how much of a bad idea contacting him is.

"Block my number when I leave. I agree, let's forget about this."

Micheal hasn't come home since Friday and I'm starting to get worried. If he doesn't come today I am calling the police. Although, I shouldn't be worried over him because why would I be worried over a bastard like him?

Just as I thought about Micheal, the man himself entered through the door. Harshly swinging it open, his snow covered boots entered the house. Melted snow dripped on the floor in his wake. I groaned, internally knowing I would be the one to clean that up.

The first snowfall of the year had occurred yesterday. I knew it was on its way since the days began growing colder. When the new, frozen flakes started falling from the sky, joy- which i haven't felt in a few days- filled my soul. Excitement coursed through my veins and I ran outside in just my slippers and an oversized hoodie with nothing underneath but panties (I was freezing but too excited to realize, and luckily the hoodie was big enough to cover me.).

I had relished in the cold, wet weather for a while before I started freezing alive. That is when I went up to the door and noticed that I had locked myself out. Irritation replaced my happiness and I called for a locksmith which was really embarrassing.

I haven't been able to feel the same happiness since. The fact that a natural event like weather made me so content was really disappointing.

"Micheal," my voice held hope. I did not know why I would feel hopeful.

Maybe I was hopeful that my last encounter with him would open his eyes and he would go back to his old, better self.

I was wrong. A disappointed frown returned on my face when I heard his drunken voice. "Gia, b- babe," He slurred. A hiccup erupted from him.

He was really drunk; too drunk for my liking. It made me uncomfortable that he was in the same space as me knowing what could happen after he drank too much.

As he approached me on the couch I was cautious. My senses were on high-alert and I was ready to leave if anything hinted at a possible argument.

"I'm sorry, that was wrong of me." He apologized in a garbled manner. I grimaced as he continued hiccuping and burping subconsciously.

I knew not to take his apology seriously. He probably didn't even know what he was apologizing for.

"Gia, listen to me. I had every right to do what I did. You did the same." He walked unsteadily as he spoke. I watched as he almost tripped over his own feet.

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