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"And in the end we were all just humans, drunk on the idea that love, only love, could heal our brokenness."


I regretted letting boredom get the best of me. I let Tyler pull me into the mall. The worst place ever.

It's always so crowded and loud. As much as I love shopping for unnecessary shit, I hate malls.

It's just so hard to say no to Tyler.

So many distinct noises filled my ears- laughter and conversations I wasn't part of. My growling stomach found the scent of greasy fast food like torture.

But I wasn't going to tell Tyler I was hungry because he would force me to let him buy me food. Unless he offered I wasn't going to ask him.

I usually hated being in crowded spaces. This time was exceptional only because Tyler was holding my hand. Before you say anything, it just happened, unexpectedly. I refused to enter any stores, so he kinda just grabbed me and pulled me into whatever store he wanted. But after a while, his hand just stayed there. It was accidental yet I didn't want to remove it. His hand felt warm and secure intertwined with mine.


Micheal had been working often lately. Saying that he picked up more shifts and he'll be away later than usual. I'm lucky to have Tyler here because he keeps me company.

My lips twitched into a smile when I looked down at our hands and how our fingers were stitched together. His heart-tattooed finger intertwined with my heart-tattooed finger. His thumb occasionally rubbed against my hand, sending glittering sparks through my arm. We didn't speak but we said everything we needed to say.

This is so, so bad.

Tyler pulled me towards the lines of stores. He dragged me into all sorts of shops while making sure to always keep his hands on me. I didn't mind, it made me feel secure. Especially with the anxiety this place causes me.

It didn't feel so much as though I was betraying Micheal at the moment. Him holding my hand and pulling me into him was only so I felt comfortable and didn't want to immediately leave.


I followed Tyler into a clothing store. The items here were really expensive. I know this because I always skip this store the few times I've come to the mall. But I was forced to enter seeing that Tyler wouldn't let go of me.

Everything was gorgeous but the prices made them ugly.

"What do you think about this?" Tyler held up the dress I'd been eyeing since we walked in.

He glanced at the piece and then at my expression and I could tell he knew I liked it.

He's so damn attentive sometimes I hate it. With just one look at me he can know what I'm thinking about.

"Here, try it on," Tyler demanded and handed it to me.

I didn't grab it. I knew the price was expensive and I wasn't gonna let Tyler pay for it.

"Take it, Gia." he pressed it against my chest and I felt forced to take it.

Tyler asked a salesman for permission to use the dressing rooms. He sat on the little stool outside of the curtain-covered room.

Even the changing rooms were fancy.

I tugged the tight dress up my body and when I was finally in it I let out a sigh. It looked gorgeous and felt good too. The silky fabric was so soft and comfortable even when the dress itself was tight enough to squeeze the air out of me.

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