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"I hate that I still think you're a good person."


I land on my bed as I struggle to pull up the zipper of my heel. I continue to tug on it until I successfully pull it up, quietly celebrating at the accomplishment.

I stand, wobbling as I straighten up. I pat down the skirt of my dress and fix the chest area so it shows the right amount of cleavage. I study myself in the reflection of the mirror.

I wrap the pearl necklace around my neck and let it fall against my collar bone. I pierce the sparkling earrings into my ears.

I had never cooked a full dinner. I cook for myself once in awhile, and for Micheal when we were on good terms of course. After Tyler left I didn't even pick up a pan. I didn't feel good enough to cook, and if I did I probably would feel too sick to eat it. But today, I didn't have a choice as I had to cook for Micheal's boss and his wife.

I wasn't exactly okay with having them over. Especially so soon after Tyler left when I was in distress.

My biggest worry was them seeing how Micheal treats me when no one's around. It wasn't like I could cancel the plans, this was Micheal's business and he had already agreed to it. I didn't want to get in trouble with him either so I stayed quiet.

My heels clicked on the hardwood floor as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Most of the meal was already done and ready to eat, I just had to put the final touches.

Today felt like the most regular day I've had in a while. I felt grateful to have this distraction.

I set the table simply, nothing grand. The food surrounded the centerpiece: a vase filled with roses. I plucked the dying roses from the vase and tossed them in the trash, leaving the red lively ones as a display.

Micheal arrived downstairs and for the first time in a while I could tell one of the reasons I had fallen in love with him.

I had struggled to find a reason why I fell in love with him 2 years ago but now I know. He truly is attractive when he tries. I hadn't seen him all dressed up in a while but now that he stands In front of me in a grey suit with styled hair I realize that he really is fine.

I almost fell for him again but then I remembered what he's done to me and disgust overcame me.

His looks today were just a disguise, a facade made to hide how cruel he can really be.

I decided to ignore him and continued to decorate the table.

A knock was heard against the door and Micheal rushed to get it. I could clearly see the married couple that stood on the other side of the door. When they entered, it was clear that they were a high-class couple.

The wife was relatively young, with blonde hair that fell in waves over her shoulders. A tight dress that fit her elegantly, paired with expensive-looking heels. Her husband was clearly a lot older. Black hair that was greying was slicked back with an unnecessary amount of hair gel. He wore a fitted black suit. A bulky silver watch ringed his wrist.

Micheal welcomed them in and I regretted agreeing to this when they caught sight of me.

This was going to be a long night.

"Hello, you must be Micheal's girlfriend, Gianna?" Michael's boss greeted.

I nodded. My real name is Gianna. I've used Gia ever since i was a kid and it stuck. I guess Tyler introduced me to him as Gianna.

"I'm Mr. White, Micheal's boss. But you can call me Andrew." He stuck his hand out and I shook it. He shook mine for a little too long which made me uncomfortable. I smiled through the awkwardness.

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