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"People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long."


Last night was terrible. The stress I collected throughout the day plus my terrible decision to get drunk had left me to cry myself to sleep.

Although I've made my opinion on crying clear- the feeling of hopelessness it elicits- I've started to think that maybe crying is like watching glass shatter across the floor.

I view crying from a new perspective now. Somehow, I changed myself to think that crying strengthens me; that once I cry I become a stronger version of myself.

If I tried to hold myself together and glue the pieces, I would only become weaker.

A tear is like a single shard of glass.

I must let go of my tears.

I wake up in my own bed. I wondered why Tyler didn't put me in his bed last night but I was too caught up with my issues to give a shit.

Never-the-less, Tyler had been so kind last night to carry me to bed and tuck me in. There is no reason to complain.

A tired noise escaped my lips as I woke. Reaching out to the spot beside me, I expected to feel a human next to me but my hand only landed on the cold sheets.

As my eyes blinked awake and adjusted to the lighting, I found myself disappointed to wake up alone. But I quickly reminded myself that in just a few days Tyler was leaving. So I must understand that loneliness was bound to become a regular thing.

Feeling the sheets on my bare skin, I came to a realization that I was only dressed in my bra and underwear. I remembered that Tyler had removed my dress last night so I could sleep in comfort.

I would've smiled at the thought but was hit with a pounding feeling in my head, the sudden ache making me wince. My stomach felt all over the place and I felt nauseous.

I sat up in bed and rubbed my hands over my drowsy eyes, stretching because of my sore back.

Little glimpses of last night found their way into my head, allowing me to relive the joy I had experienced before. The sound of my content laughter- along with the choir of others laughter- filled my ears, the sound slowly becoming echoey as it remembers being past.

I groan tiredly and manage to find energy to get out of bed. Putting on a robe, the see-throughish black material gave a blurry view of my lace bra and panties.

The present sounds become available to my ears. The muffled noises of the TV float upstairs. I recognize the robotish voice to be part of a news channel.

Slowly, I made my way to the door, every step of mine padding on the hardwood floor. Once I open the door the noises become clearer and flood my ears.

I arrive downstairs and am hit by the savory smell that flows from the kitchen. The smoky tones fill my nostrils. My hungry stomach aches as I crave whatever food is producing the delightful smell.

"Hey, Gorgeous," Tyler's gentle, low voice reaches me from the kitchen.

His hand grasps a pan handle, slowly moving it on the small fire. I figure that whatever is in the pan has been producing the wonderful smell. My eyes recognize the food as an omelet.

"I made you breakfast." Tyler confirms what he's doing.

I smile at the sentence, my stomach being happy at the news.

I sit down on a stool, my feet hovering a little above the floor because of how tall the seat is. The silk material slipping onto the sides of my legs, revealing my bare tan thighs. The cold air hits the skin that it hadn't before.

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