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"She's changed. You can see it in her eyes, feel it in her touch, hear it in her tone. She's not the same and she's never coming back."


"Gia?" I hear Tyler call from downstairs. I do not respond.

My mouth feels dry because of not speaking for so long. Nothing has escaped my lips except for a few sobs.

"Gia?" Tyler calls again. I turn away from the door, trying to ignore him. He had done nothing to me yet I feel this need to push everyone away and rot in this bed.

"Gia, Gorgeous," Tyler says sadly once he finds me.

I feel his presence approach me but I do not turn to face him. I do not move at all.

He puts his hand on the cheek Micheal previously slapped. It's still tinted red and the skin feels numb from the force.

"Fuck," he whispers under his breath, "that fucking bastard."

"Tyler, it's okay. I'm fine." I speak for the first time in a while. My words sounded as if someone was strangling me.

"You're not okay, he shouldn't have placed a hand on you." I notice his growing rage. This is the angriest I've seen him get.

Yet, I'm sick and tired of being the victim- of having to feel small for everyone. Of having to be cared for. I feel so fucking tired of being weak and lonely and always being the women in distress. I don't want anymore pity or hurt.

I sit up in bed. "I'm okay, Tyler. I don't need your fucking pity. My relationship with Micheal is just fine. It's just fucking fine." I spit, harsher than I meant to. I actually surprised myself.

Tyler looks thrown aback and I feel terrible about my sudden outburst.

"I... I'm sorry," but it was too late to apologize because his eyes hardened and his jaw clenched. 

Why would I talk to him like that the day before he leaves? All he was trying to do was help.

You're so stupid, Gia.

Tyler sat there stiffly as if he didn't know what to do. Had I really shocked him that much?

But that's exactly why I got mad in the first place. I don't want people to look down at me. I can be angry too, you know?

Tyler was angry, incredibly angry. Why would he be so angry? He must know that my outburst wasn't meant for him. He'd done nothing wrong. It was meant for Micheal.

"You're a fucking bitch for thinking that prick is still in love with you." Tyler said, his voice at a normal volume. Actually, it was calm which frightened me even more.

He stood up and walked out the door, careful not to slam it behind him.

He wasn't mad at me, I knew that now. He was mad at someone else; at Micheal.


I thought about what Tyler had said.

"You're a fucking bitch for thinking that prick is still in love with you."

I thought long and hard about those words. Did Micheal love me? Did he ever love me? Tyler had always been right before. Does that mean he's right now?

"Tyler?" My voice was small as I entered the guest room that was claimed as his since a few weeks ago.

He was on a call, speaking silently. When I walked in his eyes hardened. That anger from earlier gripping him by the thought once again.

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