Teresa Harmon wrote me a long letter and reached out to Parker personally to find out how I was doing. She made sure to add her phone number again, and I saved it in my new phone, texting her right after. I thanked her for the kind-hearted note, and from that moment on, we started texting daily. We grew closer as the days and weeks passed, becoming the best of friends. Having so many people in my life that cared about me was something I never thought I would be lucky to attain.

Between Parker and Teresa, they helped me keep up with everything I missed in my classes while I recovered. Teresa visited my professors daily and brought me the lessons, homework assignments, classwork, and projects. I was so shocked when Shay and Parker told me I could have Teresa come over and basically out that her teacher, Professor Avery, was the person helping me. I thought that information was something she might have wanted to be hidden, but she wasn't worried and didn't care. That night when Teresa came over, Parker reminded me her boss already knew I was staying with her. I felt silly forgetting that.

One evening when Teresa came over, she was absolutely stunned when she saw her teacher walking into the living room wearing her everyday attire. Seeing Parker's numerous tattoos wasn't shocking to me anymore, but that wasn't the same for Teresa. It was the funniest thing I had seen; her mouth hit the floor and stopped her from speaking. Parker stopped in her tracks when she saw the look on Teresa's face, so she asked if she was okay. Hearing her professor speak snapped her into reality and caused all of us to laugh happily, enjoying the moment to the fullest.

Days later, Teresa noticed how Parker's eyes would linger on me and vice-versa. When we were out of earshot, she asked if I had feelings for our professor. I did not want to lie to my newest friend, so I asked Teresa for a few minutes. I texted Parker, asking her if she was okay with me divulging our history with Teresa. My teacher's reply was so sweet, saying that she wouldn't want me to lie or hold anything back with a friend I trusted. Not to mention, she had Shay the whole time and was able to speak with her about me; it was only fair that I had someone to talk to as well.

Once I was ready both mentally and physically to return to school, I did, and it was awesome. Parker asked me if I would like her to drive me to and from the university; since we go on the same days, we could go together. I was more than happy with that arrangement, and from the look on her face when I said yes, she was too. I no longer had teachers who bullied me or made me feel crazy. My classmates didn't overburden me with questions about Victoria; they only cared about knowing how I was. I no longer had to worry about answering questions and participating in class. I was finally able to enjoy college life as I was meant to.

Ever since Parker and I acknowledged that our relationship wasn't merely teacher and student, but more than that... it opened a door that would never be shut. Though we hadn't spoken about it since that night, the closer we grew, the more we didn't need to speak it out loud. We can tell how the other feels just by glancing or smiling. I stopped being afraid of looking at Parker longer or having her close to me whenever I got the chance. I can feel myself starting to fall for her, and I know that when the time is right, everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

Shay and I have also gotten so close; she has become like a sister I never had. She and I text each other just as much as I text Parker and Teresa; it's honestly so fantastic. I remember when I told her I wanted to press charges against Victoria, she was there for me and helped me understand the process of how everything would unfold. She also promised to go with me when I had to meet with the detectives on the case and speak with them or whenever I would be required to testify. Shay promised me, just as she promised her best friend, I would never have to go through anything alone.

When I was saved and rescued from my ex-girlfriend, Victoria, many things happened, and everything has finally come full circle. Each moment, both small and large, has helped mend my mind, repair my wounds, and, ultimately, save my soul from the darkness that threatened to consume the essence of who I was. Those countless days where I prayed to go back in time to change the day I ever met Victoria... no longer mattered. After everything I've learned... I accept it, and in fact, I wouldn't change what I went through for anything in the world. The abuse has molded me into the person I am today, and I wholeheartedly believe I'm stronger for having survived it.

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