"Yes your Majesty. This way Captain Lionel. Your belongings will be sent to your new lodgings shortly." Markus said directed to Lionel. The knight nodded and stepped towards the redheaded butler. He shot me a look before leaving, I hoped I would see Lionel soon. The sun was an hour or so from setting now so I had a feeling I wouldn't see Lionel until the morning. I wondered what exactly entailed as a personal guard.

"I want to see all of you at dinner- Edmund I'm looking at you. I want a family dinner tonight, since its Athena's first night here." Queen Ariellah called out as her sons begun making their way inside. The lined-up maids and butlers bowing as they walked.

"Maybe." Edmund called back smirking over his shoulder, sending me a wink from the stairs. Ariellah cursed under her breath as King Eugene gently grabbed her hand.

"Shall we?" Arthur smiled amusingly down at me, holding out his arm. I nodded grabbing hold underneath the crook of his arm, flutters beat against my stomach in nerves.

My husband escorted me inside the castle, my new home.

"Welcome home." My husband smiled down at me as we reached the last step, all the maids and butlers either side of us holding their bow.

"I look forward to our time together." I said politely. Trained.

"I'm glad my dear, would you care for a tour first or rather rest in your room?" Arthur asked as we crossed through the entrance inside the grand foyer. Two chandeliers hung from the tall ceiling, marbled pillars supporting the roof, white marbled floors under our feet.

"My room?" I asked questioning Arthur's term. I assumed as husband and wife, the bedroom would be our bedroom.

"Y-yes, I thought you may be more comfortable in your own space for the time being. Until you are ready." Arthur said- his soft expression genuine. His free hand rested upon mine as I held him, "Nothing needs to be rushed, I do not want to frighten you. Let's simply get to know one another more first."

I felt my shoulders relax, I hadn't even realised they were tensed up. Arthur seemed to notice and smiled softly down at me.

"You are kind man Arthur." I smiled back at him, without force.

"Glad you think so. I am trying rather hard for your affection." The Prince blushed, running his hand through his long hair.

I gently squeezed the arm I held, "I am a simple woman, give me books and a sword, and we'll get along just fine." I teased, half waiting for his reaction after what Lionel had said.

Arthur didn't want me to go onto the front lines, he wanted me to remain here in safety.

Arthur smiled, his cheeks not quite reaching his eyes.

He chucked lightly, "I'll take notes."

Not one hundred percent confirming what Lionel had said. Maybe Arthurs opinion could be swayed, if I could show Arthur I could fight and look after myself, he would change his mind.

"I'd like to rest before dinner also, if that's alright." I said remembering his question from before.

The Prince nodded, "Of course, I'll show you to your room then. I shall show you around the castle and the grounds tomorrow."

The Southern castle was around the same size as the Northern one, the layout a lot different. Instead of the foyer having the split grand staircase and the ballroom in the middle underneath the first floor, the Foyer lead in three different directions, one towards large white double doors in the East and a corridor down the side, a grand staircase that wrapped around the foyer to the upper mezzanines and to the West an arched corridor leading to another wing of the castle. Arthur escorted me up the long staircase- red carpet covering the stairs with golden handrails and more chandeliers. Large porcelain vases sat at almost every corner, filled with exotic plants and great painted portraits covered the walls. At the top of the staircase sat a family portrait of the Ashmore's when they were all younger, just like the family one we had at home. King Eugene stood to the right of Ariellah with little Edmund in front, the Queen sat on a chair holding a baby, from the number of children I assumed the baby was Sika. Arthur, Lance and Nate stood to their mothers left, younger versions of themselves. Arthur had shorter hair back then, rounded cheeks and all shorter in height- nothing like they were now.

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