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The day had come to fight my twin for the Crown. It would be the only way to become the Queen of my Kingdom, Verona. No feeble boy was about to take my place for being born first. The sun peaked above the horizon, the stars fading away into the brightening sky. My feet touched the tiled floor below my bed, the first light of the day streaming between the closed velvet drapes over the arched windows in my chamber. My maid, Tanya hadn't come to open them and wake me yet. I knew she would be on her way, so I had to move quickly. As I stood up my chemise fell down just below my knees. I could feel my curly hair had knotted in the back from last night's sleep- I must have tossed a lot in my dreams.

My bed sat along the middle of the wall, white pillars at each corner with tied back sheer drapes. To my right sat a small burnt-out fireplace beside my dressing table, above sat our families crest- two swords crossed behind a dragon's body. The sound of my bare feet tapped along the ground as I moved towards my table, sweeping up the chair and moved it in front of the fireplace to reach the crest. I pulled on the metal sword tucked in behind, it felt too heavy to just be the sword alone. As I pulled again, the entire crest hit the ground with a thud- stepping off the chair, I shook the sword free from the crest. I let out a huff, that hadn't gone as smoothly as I'd planned in my mind. I gave the sword one last big yank, and it came loose.

The time was now.
I heard footsteps echoing down the corridor, Tanya was on her way to wake me. I had to move faster. I ran to the closed door and waited for it to open.

Two soft knocks sounded, "Excuse me, your Highness." Tanya spoke as she pushed the door open. It swung wide shielding me from her view. "Your Highness?" My maid asked into the vacant room, she stepped closer to my unmade bed and I swiftly moved around the open door and into the corridor.
"Your Highness?!" I heard Tanya's voice call out again as she searched for me, her old voice cracking slightly.

I ran down the corridor, my footsteps muffled by the decorative floor rug. I held the sword low by my side as I ran, keeping it sturdy and at the ready to attack. Ahead I heard mumbling, two maids were strolling up the corridor holding clean linen. Before they spotted me, I pushed myself against the wall, shielding myself behind a pillar. I waited as they carried on past me, then continued.

My heart felt as if it was going to burst from my chest. I took the first corner towards my brother's chambers. Right as I was about to move towards the closed bedroom door, I heard Tanya's voice call from the direction I came from in a distressed tone.

"The Princess, she's missing!"

Mumbles came from the other maids that had been near, worried for my wellbeing.

They were worrying about the wrong Royal member.

I gripped my sword tighter pushing my brothers chamber door open, the room was lit up from the morning sunlight, he was already awake. I saw his empty bed against the wall, decorated similar to mine- it had already been made, the sheets tucked tightly under the mattress, with the pillows perfectly fluffed.

"Who enters?" A deep voice called. Demanding but pewny.

As I stepped in further, standing at his table, one booted foot propped up on the chair my brother strapped a leather harness around his calf. Tucked into his boots were black trousers and he wore white billowing shirt. My brother hadn't yet put on his vest and jacket.

"Your reckoning." I held the sword up, lifting my chin with it. "You must die, dear brother."

The blade shone under the sunlight streaming through the arched windows. I aimed the tip of the sword at him. I was ready to fight, and a fight to the death it would be.

A dark smirk crossed my brothers' lips, a beard only beginning to grow as he aged into an adult. His blonde hair was loose and half wet, hanging down to his cheeks like he had splashed his face with water to freshen up.

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