End of the Road 2

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Part 1

3rd Person POV

Their stamina was running low after several encounters with witches, but Tobio and the rest managed to see the wooden building. They just needed to cross some forty meters and they could rescue Nora's precious one.

On the way, they tried to rip the paper seals Nora handed over, he told them to try and see if they had more luck than him, but the person he expected never showed up. Thus they had to do this themselves and hurry back to support him. They were not sure how strong she was, but Augusta could handle Lavinia that was stronger than them.

Just as they felt they could make it, there was a killing intent that froze their blood.

A figure shot past them and levitated above their heads.

"It seems like you are not going to make it." Augusta coughed some blood and immediately drank another vial.

Below her, a fire giant composed of purple flames was created.

"For some reason, you guys attach great importance to the creature in that building, right? He probably does the same. This is why..." Augusta smiled sadistically. "I will set it all ablaze!"

Laughing, Augusta ordered her giant to rush towards the wooden building.

It all happened too fast for anyone to properly think of a countermeasure. Kouki had gotten hurt fighting a witch so he could not rush and stand in the path of the giant, even if he did, he doubted he could block it. Sae and Natsume still held Lavinia's unconscious body and Shigune was unable to fight.

However, there was someone who imagined what would happen if the giant managed to burn the building, he could sympathize with the person who would suffer the most, and above all, he felt like he had a debt to pay. For the person who protected his precious one, he would do so as well. Thus, he rushed, he pushed his body to its limits. The barking of a dog rang in his ears, but Tobio ignored anything else. He did what he could, he passed the giant somehow and arrived at the building, he threw his body towards the door and entered. Yet, that was all he could do.

The giant arrived and it mercilessly struck the flaming crux down the building, setting everything on fire.

"Nooooo!" Sae's desperate cry could be heard.

Natsume grimaced and Shigune's eyes watered. Kouki tried to attack Augusta in rage, yet, everyone, including the laughing Augusta, stopped in place. The air felt heavy and a killing intent surpassing Augusta's indiscriminately covered everyone.

Slowly, with a pair of emotionless eyes, Nora dragged his body forward. He looked exhausted, yet, he did not seem to care about taking a rest. His eyes were staring deeply at the building being reduced to ashes, then, they changed targets towards the giant, until his head hung low and he looked at the ground. Everyone turned to look at his figure thus no one noticed the building falling apart and something there.

"Heh, hehe, hehehehe." Nora laughed.

Feeling a terrible threat to her life, Augusta ignored such a thing after noticing that the killing intent that had just disappeared came from the boy. She could see his shoulders trembling and hear his creepy laugh.

"Hehehe, I see, I see." Nora raised his head.

Even his allies found his state rather intimidating. He was clearly laughing but his eyes looked dead.

"Did you lose your mind? Boy." Augusta questioned.

"Shut up, bitch." Nora sharply said. "I don't expect you to understand so close your damn mouth in this instant."

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