A Nya to save the day

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Part 1

3rd Person POV

Sitting back to back, a green-eyed boy and a red-eyed young girl were trying to rest their exhausted bodies. Both of them had their attires covered in blood, however, there were no visible wounds on them.

Beside them, a figure of a girl laid sleeping soundly. She had purple hair, and a sweater was used to cover some of the visible parts that her ragged outfit could not cover.

Opening and closing her hand, the girl seemed a little distracted.

"Shiki-sensei, you noticed?" The girl muttered.

The boy, Nora, was fiddling around some straw dolls and a piece of paper with strange symbols, but he stopped his actions when he heard his companion speaking.

"You mean that?" Nora asked back. "Tomoe-san, I don't think that you should worry about it."

Biting her lips, the girl, Tomoe found it hard to speak.

"However, you should've noticed by now, she and I are..." "Red is a good color, and there is nothing wrong with wearing..."

They both spoke at the same time, however, they did not seem to be speaking about the same topic.

"Eh? Who and who? Eh?" "Wearing? Shiki-sensei... did you...?"

Confused, the boy and the girl started to recall what they said first to confirm who misunderstood the other one. The boy lost because he started to sweat bullets.

"Oh, huh, yeah, I noticed. No problem there, yes, I cannot see any problem." Nora hastily said.

"Shiki-sensei has no idea what Tomoe was talking about, right?" Tomoe muttered with half-closed eyes with arms crossed.

She had turned around and gave Nora a judging look, however, when she felt the damp feeling on her chest, she looked down and noticed that her shirt was slightly translucent. What followed was a blushed Tomoe covering herself with her hands and a slightly cold stare directed at Nora.

"A bribe- I mean, this is an apology." Nora said.

Extending her hand, Tomoe grabbed a chocolate bar that he was giving her.

"All good?" He asked.

Nodding, Tomoe bit the chocolate bar, and noticed that it was similar to the sweets she ate before, the wrapping was rather simple even so she did not expect it to be handmade as well.

"These damn hormones, no, at times like this I have to blame this damn ecchi world, it is almost like an unknown something forces me through these events. I am thankful, but..." Nora kept blabbering for a while in a low tone of voice.

Thinking that she should tactfully ignore what he said, Tomoe did not say anything.




"I see, you meant about her horns huh." Nora muttered. "I have indeed noticed that she had them, and your aura was similar as well."

Nora was gently touched the sleeping girl's forehead. Currently, she had no horns so his hand only caressed her smooth skin.

"You know about Onis, right?" Tomoe asked. "They are known as a ruthless, violent, vicious, and cunning bunch. Are you not afraid?"

Pondering for a moment, Nora did not take long to think.

"Nah, I know about them, or rather. I know about their past deeds. However, I cannot judge them based on that. Besides, I believe your worry is not about my view on them as a whole, but what I think about you, isn't that right?" Nora said. "Regardless of the past deeds that the onis did, such as eating humans, and causing a war that almost wiped them out after making the rest of Youkais their enemies. It is something unrelated to the current me and you, so have a little trust in me."

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