The moment I saw it, I thought, how cliché

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Author's Notes:

Hey everyone, I'm sorry that I couldn't upload the last chapter last week, so this week I uploaded both parts. I was pretty sick the last 1,5 weeks, was moving to a new home, and got a lot of crap to do. I hope you will enjoy those new parts :)

Part 1


When was it that everything went wrong?

Thinking back, it was probably around the time when she reached for that sword that the already unfriendly gazes she received became even more inhospitable. Following a certain call that she felt from the sword, the girl foolishly unsheathed it, bringing, as a result, a series of unfortunate incidents for her.

Born from a night when her mother was taken advantage of by one of the emperor's sons, she was made sure to remember that fact by her 'siblings'. Her mother had a humble status as a servant serving the Imperial family so she was never treated kindly by anyone except for a few exceptions. Her mother passed away in an accident when she was young, along with her 'father', an incident that was never made public. She managed to secure a living thanks to the kindness of the few individuals that treated her like a normal person. That said, she was still bullied and looked with disdain or apprehension, something that had to do with the fact that she was not a pure human, but mixed blood. Feared for the heritage that her mother had passed down to her, she was shunned and being looked like a dangerous creature.




Few hobbies were allowed for her, and among them, she had taken a liking to kendo, and she liked to combine it with dance movements after hearing about sword dances. However, she was never allowed to touch a real sword so she could only go through the most difficult approach if she ever wanted to wield one like the women she happened to see offering sword dances to the Shinto gods, and that was to make one herself.




Many failures were made and she lacked proper examples so she snuck into the place where the katanas and historical weapons were being stored.

You could say that it was her mistake; she could've probably looked for a better way to check a real sword. She had overcome the issue of the tools and workplace after many hardships, but she was getting impatient.




Once she set a foot in the storage, she felt a mysterious call from a particular sword, and her curiosity won so she reached for it. That day, she became the wielder of the Ame-no-Murakumo, and her bitter days only worsened.




The change that occurred due to her actions could be described simply. Many people who treated her as nothing more than an eyesore began to treat her 'kindly' with wide smiles on their faces. However, some did not change their ways, and for her, it was those people who she appreciated, regardless of being looked at in contempt or those few honest and kind people who helped her until the present times.

Nevertheless, the changes were not something that happened once.

Her living place was the first thing to be improved, they who pointed at her and said that she did not belong in that main building were the ones who 'warmly' welcomed her and took her to one of the fanciest bedrooms and told her to rest there from now on.

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