Peaceful daily life?

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Part 1

Once in a while, I would dream about my past life.

No matter how many times it happened, it was still a feeling that you could not get used to. It was a sad but happy feeling mixed.

I would see myself acting at those times, and I would recall every single thing I felt.

When I was little, everything was surrounded by a blissful feeling. Our situation was not best, but we still managed to get by. My parents were really kind and full of affection for me. Many times we would go out to simply hang out as a family, have fun. Just by being together we were happy... until things changed.

It is kind of funny, but I was rather ignorant at those times. It came as a huge shock when my mother just fell unconscious one time. I guess it was around the age of five, I was playing by myself in my room when I heard loud sound coming from the kitchen. Something might've fallen I thought. Worried since my mother was making lunch, I went to take a look. When I arrived, I found my mother lying on the floor unconscious at time I recall that I froze. It was a mix of surprise from what I saw, denial about what it was in front of me... and simply not knowing what to do.

Haha, every time I remember that I can not help but laugh at my pathetic self. Why didn't I move at once to help her? To check on her?. I don't know.

Luckily, my father arrived home at that time. He quickly went to check on my mother and called an ambulance.

The rest of what happened is a little foggy to be honest. I can't manage to remember what happened later.

One thing for sure... I probably did nothing.

I think it was around that time that I... started to hate myself. Although at that time I could not understand such a thing.

As those memories played in front of me, I was prepared to watch it over and over.

This time however... I was woken up.

I could tell because everything turned hazy and I could feel someone shaking me.

"W... u.! N..a-n..! Wa.. up!". I faintly hear an anxious voice.

Now that I noticed... My body was pretty cold. But somehow warmth was slowly being transmitted to me.

Anxiously shaking Nora to wake him up, Kuroka was rather distressed. Shirone was nervously watching her sister from the side.

It had been a couple of months since meeting Nora, and both sisters were used to sometimes finding him asleep when they come to his room, which happens on daily basis. But this is the first time that they found him in that condition.

Covered in sweat from his head to his toes, faintly shaking, and went they got close to him, they found out that his body temperature was really low. So Kuroka embraced him the best she could to transmit every bit of warmth she was able to while she tried to wake him up.

"Nee-sama...". Quietly said the crestfallen Shirone.

Noticing that her sister was getting more anxious with each second. Kuroka tried to reassure her.

"It will be ok-nya. He is just having a nightmare. So I am trying to wake him up-nya. As soon as he wakes up, he will be back to normal-nya". Said Kuroka as she tries to soothe her little sister.

However, Kuroka was getting more anxious herself. It has been over five minutes but he shows no signs of waking up. Tired of waiting for him to awaken naturally. She decided to use her Ki to help him. Although she still lacks a lot of training, it is better than doing nothing.

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