Intermission: The other side

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Grayfia's POV 

For the 9th time this week, Grayfia tried to contact Nora but he was not answering his phone and her messages never got a reply. She wished that she had time to go and visit him but Grayfia barely had time to contact him other than using her phone. She had the feeling that something was wrong since there was this distant feeling. Nora had cut communication with her side, and the last thing she heard was that he needed some time since he was busy. It was strange and suspicious, the fact that she only heard it from Venelana and not even from the boy himself only strengthened her belief that something was wrong, but she could not figure out what this was about.

After finishing work today, she will go and visit him. If he did not come to her, she will go to him. The feeling that something was not ok bugged her greatly and letting things continue this way while she did nothing was not a wise idea.

"Grayfia, are you listening?" Sirzechs voice called out to her.

Sighing, Grayfia glanced at her King with unamused eyes.

"Yes, I heard you. Sending me to that meeting to guard your family sends like a proper reason for me to leave your side, or rather, a proper reason for you to send me away, isn't that correct?" Grayfia glared.

Slightly trembling as he received her stare, Sirchezs coldly sweated, but he nonetheless kept a harmless smile.

"Yes, I would like you to follow Okita-san and provide support. My mother and Rias-tan will attend a gathering of fellow noble women and children while my father will go to the annual meeting of 72 Devils." Sirzechs said.

Deciding to ignore his obvious nervousness, Grayfia furrowed her eyebrows.

"Isn't it too early...?" Grayfia mumbled.

Turning serious, Sirzechs nodded.

"Some of the lower rank devils are eager to assist when they were the type to use excuses to turn down any invitations." Sirzechs commented. "I asked you to accompany them because I find it odd. You can call it as you like it but there is something uncanny about it, I have a hunch it is not going to be your regular meeting."

"Is it because of that rumor?" Grayfia inquired.

It lacked any sort of basis, but Grayfia had heard that a rogue member of the Nebiros Clan, a remnant of the old faction who escaped and lived in isolation had found a way to cause the Devil's Sleeping disease.

Such a thing was bound to cause unrest among the public regardless of the veracity of the rumor. Although Grayfia got the chills by imagining someone who could inflict people with that horrendous disease.

"No matter what, taking a risk is not something I am willing to afford." Sirzechs said. "Can you do it?"

Shaking her head, Grayfia smiled wryly.

"Protecting Rias and Venelana is not an issue, I am used to it. However, shouldn't I be guarding the Maou for multiple reasons?" Grayfia asked.

"I will meet Ajuka later so you could say we will not need escorts given that two Super Devils are together." Sirzechs replied.

"Meeting Ajuka? There was no such a thing in your schedule." Grayfia muttered in an uncertain tone.

Biting his lips, Sirzechs hesitated for a moment before opening his mouth.

"Zekram, that man, he contacted me telling me that he had some information about Nora-kun's mother. It is not that important, but any kind of information at this point is a blessing." Sirzechs said.

Widening her eyes, Grayfia did something that she would not usually do unless she was 'administrating' some sense into Sirzechs. She grabbed him by the shoulder and shook him.

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