SS Christmas

11 1 0

Part 1   

For some people this day could be a day no different from any other. But for certain individuals, it would be another story. The Nekomata sisters, Kuroka and Shirone, were among those certain people.



Different from usual, Kuroka woke up early, like, really early. It was a little difficult to contain her excitement. The sky was still dark so there was no sunlight. The room she shared with her precious imouto, their room was also dark. It might be just her, but the temperature felt slightly colder than the other days.

She recalled that Nora explained that this house is located in a special pocket dimension where there is spring all year around. And, although she didn't really understand any details, she understood that the wheather was not the type to change too much.

A little bored, she tossed back and fort inside her futon. Well, she had to stop as she had accidently kicked her little sister a little. Just a tiny bit. Yes... just a tiny bit.

Apologizing to her on her mind, Kuroka decided to get up. Giving the sleeping Nora a visit sounded nice. She had insisted that they all slept together in the same room, but he did not allow it. Giving them their own rooms... Although they were sometimes allowed to sneak in his room to sleep.

Having made her mind, she was really careful to leave the room as silently as possible to not wake up Shirone.



Midway to Nora's room, she found a really tempting smell calling for her... or so she believed.

Changing her course, she walked... in the direction of the kitchen.



It did not take long until she arrived, inside she found the person whom she was going to originally meet.

He had just finished baking, and was storing a number of cookies inside a pouch. A pouch that she recalled it had the use to keep food warm and fresh.

Perhaps she was too noisy when when entering the kitchen but Nora noticed her.

Turning his head, he gave her a wry smile that soon turned into an expression of worry.

"Hey... What are you doing awake so early? Did it happen again?" Asked Nora sounding a little concerned.

Kuroka felt happy that he cared for her this much. In fact, he had reasons to do so as she's had nightmares sometimes, in the dream she would wake up and find herself in that facility again. Sometimes she would wake up yelling and that made Nora to come to see what happened. And he would then stay for the night at her side. Well, Shirone would wake up and snuggle pretty close to her too. Those were good nights now that she thought about it.

"No-nya. I am just too excited too sleep... I can't wait for today-nya" replied Kuroka trying to reassure Nora.


Relieved, Nora sighed and his expression turned back into his rather usual wry smile.

"I see... I guess that is normal. Do you want some warm milk to help you sleep?. Today I can't do anything more than that... I am a little busy, as you can see..." Muttered Nora as he pointed at all the things in the kitchen.

Feeling a little regret as they would not sleep all together, Kuroka considered his question. Even if she tried to do so it would be hard to say if she would actually be able to sleep again.

"Can I stay a watch you baking for a while-nya?" Asked Kuroka after pondering her options.

"You sure? There is nothing really interesting in this process, and I have many other thing to do". Replied Nora as he scratched his head a little at that answer.

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