A look on the surface and I found...

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Part 1

The next day... I felt refreshed. It healed me to have that time with Yasaka-san. Not only that, at night I had the opportunity to get snuggled by two kitties... the black one seemed to have problems deciding whether to kick me or hug me though.

It kind of worries me where their current affection for me will lead them. I wish them to be free and not to be tied by me because they know no one else. However, it pisses me off thinking that someone else gets to hang up with them. What a complicated feeling.

Such useless thoughts bothered me after waking up refreshed, so I did not feel like staying laying on the futon any longer.

Carefully untangling myself from the Nekomata sisters... I went to do a light route of training. Today was the day where I planned to look for Akeno and Shuri. If things go wrong... it might become a fight. I don't want it to get to that point but if the other side doesn't listen, I won't be polite.

My options are limited for now so I want to prepare for different scenarios.

Briefly recalling the meeting I had a few days back, there was one thing I could leave prepared on this site, with my power(money). Although I will ask for a couple of favors from the big shots just in case. Failure is not an option after all.



Exhausting my 10th quiver of arrows, I stopped practicing archery. Not moving, I wondered what could I do to improve my skills with the bow. In the fight against Forest Wraith, it became useless. This is not the first time it happens so I can't help but be worried about the future.

It also left me questioning what to do to improve in other areas. Those damned notepads. In the end, Shirone-chan's one is the only one who can be said to contain the biggest possibility to upgrade my strength... if I could do that, I could go further than my current abilities. Yet, after a light read, it doesn't seem to be any easier than my air steps. It is harder.

I would like to retort about the contents, in particular Kuroka-chan's ones, but complaining won't help me.

Expecting an easy to learn and use, but powerful technique is absurd.

Maybe Yasaka-san or even Kasen-san could lend me a hand here.

On second thought... I should still check what Kuroka-chan got.



A few minutes later, I was prepared to leave... along with Kuroka-chan who did not take a no for an answer this time.

The kitty is tough, even though I planned to leave while they slept... she woke up somehow.

"I will go-nya" Stubbornly exclaimed Kuroka-chan "You promised to do what I asked-nya".

Damn, she hasn't eaten yet and she is full of energy.

Did I dig my own grave here?

"...What about Shirone-chan?" I asked expecting this to make her falter.

"Nya!? I forgot... Shirone-nyaaaa!" Shouted Kuroka-chan as she ran to my room.

Leaving is easy... but I will bring them along, I just have to protect them.



Minutes later, the party was set to go. Although Shirone-chan was asleep, clinging on my back. So I will have to carry the kitty.

One thing I was glad was that she hid her ears and tail, it would surely raise many questions if she had those out in the open.

"Hmmm, I think we need different clothes. We will attracting too much attention like this" I commented to Kuroka-chan as we walked around Urakyoto.

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