Hmmm, spooky. It looks B*o Haz**ish

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Part 1

3rd Person POV

Directing a stern gaze at a certain place, a figure was looking at several people wearing hakama and haori going out of a certain abandoned building.

"This was a surprise, to think that while looking for the Ame-no-murakumo and its owner we would find a clue about the disappearance case that started months ago. It is uncanny that there was such a thing under our noses all this time me." The figure muttered in a bitter tone.

"Suzaku-sama, we found a Youkai roaming about the area, he is not even trying to hide his characteristics so we found him easily. He is being followed by a young girl in a maid outfit, what should we do? Do we apprehend him?" A man reported in a respectful tone.

Like the rest of the people going in and out of the building, he was wearing a haori and hakama, but the design was more intricate, making him look more important, however, he still had to act like a subordinate in front of the other figure, Suzaku.

Pondering for a moment, the girl recalled receiving a message just a minute ago.

"He is someone I called, let him-." Suzaku stopped mid-sentence. "He is not alone? He is with a girl? She also has a maid outfit?"

With her head tilted, Suzaku was extremely confused. She recalled that the boy had a black-haired girl and a white-haired girl hanging around him the last time they met.

"Did that girl have black hair or white hair?" Suzaku asked.

Shaking his head, the subordinate gave a negative answer.

"The maid has light brown hair." He responded.

It made Suzaku wonder if they had found someone else.

"Lead the way; I will confirm it with my own eyes." Suzaku decided to go in person.




Arriving at the place where they had detained the youkai, Suzaku confirmed that he was indeed the person (youkai) she was looking for. The normal people had been driven away from the streets so there was no way to miss the sight of a boy leaning on the wall of a building while looking at the night sky, who for some reason had a small cat curled on his head, he had a black hooded jacket and blue jeans. Beside him, a young girl wearing a French maid outfit patiently waited with her eyes closed. It made a very odd picture given that they were surrounded by a bunch of people who stared at them warily, some of them even had their weapons (such as swords, bows, and even naginatas) pointed at them.

"Everyone, he is not an enemy so lower your weapons!" Suzaku commanded in a stern tone.

In a normal situation, she would use a milder tone given that the people under her were doing their job correctly, but they had raised their weapons at someone who Suzaku owes a great debt. He was also her friend so she was not pleased.

Looking at each other, her subordinates hesitated for a moment before following that order.

"Suzaku-san, they were only doing their job, please, don't be too strict on them. It is a fact that my party looks suspicious after all." The boy reproached with a wry smile on his face.

Carefully, he lowered the white cat from his head and kept it in his arms. It looked to be asleep as it allowed itself to be handled without putting any resistance or perhaps it was very obedient.

Thinking about her words, Suzaku noticed that she had gone a bit too far, these people were the ones with whom she shared ideals to change the clan, they were comrades that entrusted themselves to her and followed her orders, not only because of her position but because they sought to change the clan.

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