Chapter 13 - the morning after

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This chapter contains the mentioning of SMUT. 

Bakugou's eyes fluttered open as he was in his bed. He never remembered getting in his bed, nor did he remember getting home. Who took him? His eyes then shifted to Y/n who was laying on his chest, naked. Bakugou's eyes suddenly widened but didn't dare to move. He then looked down and his clothes were gone to. Just the blanket was covering the lower part of his body. Thank god the blanket it covering her body. He thought. He looked around his room and their clothes were on the floor, scattered. Shit, shit, shit. He thought as he shook Y/n awake. Y/n rubbed her eyes, tiredly. 

"What?" She groaned, her morning voice shot through Bakugou's mind like a bullet but he shook it off. Y/n then realized and shot up, covering her chest with the blanket and slowly panicking. "Fuck! We didn't." She looked at Bakugou who seemed to panic just as much as her. "No, no, no, no!" She repeated while Bakugou sat up, putting his head in his hands. "I really hope I'm just dreaming."

"I don't think you're dreaming because if you were, we would be having the same awful dream." He said. Didn't he wish for her to scream his name? 

As Y/n and Bakugou panicked, Y/n sat up, covering herself, and threw her clothes back on. "We need to go before the squad gets suspicious." Y/n told him, "I'll let you get changed while I find my stuff." She said as she zoomed out of the room. Bakugou continued to keep his head in his hands but one side of him was screaming 'FINALLY.'


Once the two got their clothes on and got to Kirishima's house, the Mina and Kirishima stood there whispering until they saw the two standing in the door way. Mina ran to Y/n while Kirishima ran to Bakugou. Mina and Kirishima asked Bakugou and Y/n hundreds of questions. 

"Girl, you got to tell me how you guys ended up in the same bed. I wanna hear the excuse." Mina crossed her arms across her chest. 

"Listen Mina, I don't even know how I got there! I was drunk!" Y/n yelled but Mina just shook her head.

"Lies, Lies. I've heard that before." Mina said, making Y/n groan in frustration. Meanwhile, Kirishima was SWARMING him with questions. 

"What did you guys do?!" Kirishima asked, sitting down next to Bakugou on the couch. 

"First of all, how do you know?" Bakugou asked, pointing at Kirishima.

"Mina and I came to drop something off at your house and when we were about to walk in your room, all we heard was 'mmh katsuki~' and-" Kirishima was shushed by Bakugou's finger to his lips as he tried not to picture it.  

"I hope you aren't telling the others because one, I don't wanna get swarmed by poisonous idiots and secondly, you will die." Bakugou threatened. 

"Don't worry man, I wont." Kirishima replied with his hands up in defeat. "Anyway, how was she?" 

"KIRISHIMA GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME-" While Kirishima was talking to Bakugou about stupid crap, Y/n was having a full on migraine when Mina was tell her everything. Y/n didn't even stop her when it got to the mimicking of moaning. "I WHAT?!?" Y/n screamed, removing her hands from her face and looked up at Mina. 

"Yeah! You were like 'mph Katsuki~' and- wait, ms. girl you should know this. You were literally the one doing that." Mina said, sitting down nest to her.

"I know! but, I don't even remember doing it, that's the thing!" Y/n said, putting her head back in her hands, "I was drunk! Honestly!" Y/n said. Mina put her hand on her back and looked at Kirishima who was already looking at her. 


"We're getting nowhere." Mina said, leaning against the dresser. For days, Mina and Kirishima, and maybe Sero, have been trying to get Y/n and Bakugou together so when they heard about the last night situation, they were sure Y/n and Bakugou would started dating, but it seemed like they didn't want to. "We've been trying all week!" 

"I understand that, but we can't just stop here!" Kirishima said, trying to get Mina to still help. "I'm pretty sure they're in love with each other, just last night scared them. I'm pretty sure they don't want to be heart broken. Lemme just use Bakugou for instance, Bakugou probably thinks Y/n doesn't like him back and same for Y/n. They're both confused." 

"You're right." Mina replied, crossing her arms. "They're both confused. Maybe if I talk to Y/n more and you talk to Bakugou, we could get something out of them." Mina suggested, sitting up. Kirishima nodded and the two walked out of the room but only seen Bakugou in the living room. "Aye, where's Y/n?" Mina asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"She's going home. I have to take her so yeah." Bakugou replied, getting up and grabbing his keys. "And Mina, don't say shit about what me and Y/n did. Both of us were drunk." Bakugou said before actually leaving. Mina turned to Kirishima confused.

"Bakugou got drunk?!" Mina asked. "You never told me that." Mina hit Kirishima on the chest as he laughed.

"Yeah. Honestly, I thought he stopped years ago. But it seems like Y/n can make him do anything." Kirishima smirked. 

"Well, obviously he didn't and now I'm pissed. Get away." Mina said, giving him the hand and walking past him.

"Babe, what did I do?" Kirishima chuckled as he turned around, confused but smiling. 

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME, YOU ASSHOLE!" Mina yelled from the bed room. Kirishima laughed as he jogged in there.

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