Chapter 6 - love talk

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After everything cooled down, as in everyone got out of the pool, Bakugou sat down on one of the relax chairs to calm himself. Especially after seeing the Y/n and Todoroki thing. He leaned back into the chair and took some deep breaths. He started to think about the conversation he had with Kirishima earlier. He told him about how he was feeling and it was weird. Then he mentioned something that Bakugou didn't even know what it meant, but then, he never told him who was making him feel this way. 

He snapped out of his thoughts when Kirishima came running over. He sat down on the chair next to Bakugou's and breathed heavily. Kirishima looked around really quick and grabbed the water that was next to him. "I know that I just came out of water, but I can't drink chlorine water. I would've but no." Kirishima said, making Bakugou chuckle. "You wanna talk about the love thing that you mentioned earlier?" Kirishima turned to Bakugou. Bakugou looked away from him but nodded. "Alright," Kirishima put his hands behind his head, "Go ahead. I'll be out of the water for a while so tell me everything." 

Bakugou sighed before starting, "Like I said before, I don't know what this feeling is but, I'm pretty sure that it's what you idiots feel around girls and its NOT lust." Bakugou narrowed his eyes at Kirishima while Krishima laughed, thinking about the thing he said earlier. "But anyway, I don't like this feeling and I want to get rid of it." He said. 

"Who are you feeling it towards?" Kirishima asked, turning his head to him. 

Bakugou thought for a second. Should he really tell him, or keep it to himself. "Its's uh, Y/n." 

Kirishima dramatically gasped before asking loudly, "Y/n?!" Bakugou covered his mouth before he could finish the sentence and checked around to see if anyone was listening. 

"Hush, shitty hair!" Bakugou ordered, removing his hands off of Kirishima's mouth. "Gosh, you're so fucking loud." Bakugou leaned back in his chair again, trying to get comfortable.

"Sorry man. I'm just really shocked. At first I thought you were gay." Kirishima mumbled while Bakugou stared at him, confused. "Oh sorry, I keep forgetting that you don't really know any sexualities. Gay is when you like guys and remember the other thing I mentioned today? Asexual? I'm pretty sure that means you don't like no one." This time Bakugou stared at him disgusted. 

"I don't like boys." Bakugou spat.

"Never said you did man." Kirishima chuckled, getting comfortable again.

Bakugou already knew that there was one time in his life where he was gay. But that was the past, this is the present, and he likes Y/n.

"But what do I do?" Bakugou put his head in his hands and stared at the ground, waiting for Kirishima to give him some advice.

"Honestly man, I think you should just go for it. Or maybe you're gonna have to wait. You don't know if she likes you back or not." Kirishima said. 

"No idiot like how do you get rid or this love thing?!" Bakugou asked.

"It's called a crush. Not a love thing." Kirishima told him, making Bakugou roll his eyes. "But, I don't really know how to do that. Maybe just distance yourself away from her and then you'll get rid of the crush. But, since you have a crush and that probably is amkign you have an attachment problem, then its gonna be hard. BUT, if you change your mind and want her to be yours, you better hurry up, cause it looks like she's finding one." Kirishima pointed to the table Y/n was sitting at. Bakugou turned to and saw what he was talking about. There, Y/n was blushing at Todoroki as he told her all this stuff, and it seemed like he was enjoying it. 

Bakugou's blood boiled inside his body and he created little sparks out of his hands due to frustration. "Wow man! Make sure you don't burn a hole or else we're gonna have to pay for it!" Kirishima shouted, making Bakugou realize what he was doing. "If it makes you that mad dude, just shoot your shot. And maybe-" Kirishima got cut off by Denki shouting for him. Kirishima nodded and sat up. "If you need anymore help with your crush then I'll be available tomorrow afternoon!" Kirishima told him as he ran and jumped back into the pool.

Bakugou sighed in frustration before leaning back and watching what was going on. He then imagined him and Y/n like that. He wished that was him making her blush like that. Matter of fact, he wished he was making her more than blush-

Katsuki, you need to stop. He told himself before looking over again. There, Todoroki kissed Y/n's hand one more time before walking away with his towel. She excitedly grabbed the card that was laid on the table and put it in her bag. 

Did he give her his number? He thought. He was so curious to see what was on the card but brushed it off, thinking it wasn't important. Should I go over there? He asked himself. Fuck, why was it so hard to talk to Y/n. He soon gave in and walked over to the table they were at, sitting beside her. 

"Oh hey Bakugou." Y/n greeted, entering whatever was on the card to her phone and not looking up at him. Now he definitely knew that there was a phone number on there. 

"Whacchya typin?" He asked, looking over to see whats on the phone. Before he could, Y/n moved the phone and held it to her chest.

"Nothing important." She replied, continuing to type in the phone number. Bakugou sighed and rolled his eyes, trying to think on what would get her attention. He then came up with an idea. 

"Getting your little boyfriends phone number?" He smirked. Y/n's face then went bright red. Well, at least he made her blush but did it in a different way.

"W-What?! I-I don't have a boyfriend!" She yelled. 

Bakugou laughed before saying, "Ya sure? I seen how you were blushing at whatever Icyhot said." He gagged, visibly, making Y/n smirk. 

"Are ya jealous of it, Bakugou?" She leaned towards him as he started to get red.

"Huh? I ain't jealous of you and Icyhot's relationship!" He kept leaning away from her but she just kept smirking. Welp, that backfired. Originally, he was supposed to make Y/n jealous, now the tables are turned. 

"Ya sure?" She asked, making him still go red. He quickly looked away before he would get teased more. "I'm pretty sure you're jealous that 'Icyhot' is in love with me and gave me his number. You probably are to." Y/n said, going back on her phone, tapping it a couple of times before turning it off and looking back at Bakugou, who was no longer blushing. They both made eye contact and felt some sort of connection. Nothing was going on in their minds except that there was nothing stopping them from kissing. But did they? No. Y/n wasn't even focused on the number anymore, she was focused on Bakugou. His eyes, his soft looking lips, everything about him suddenly made her go crazy.

Including Bakugou. Her hair, her eyes, her body, he just wanted her. the connection soon stopped when Y/n's phone rang. She quickly looked at it before going to answer it. Bakugou felt like he got stabbed by cupids arrow one hundred times. The moment was the best they ever had. He was pretty sure she wasn't even thinking about Icyhot anymore. Matter fact, he was sure that she wasn't thinking of anyone but him. The need for her grew, and the crush he had on her grew ten times more. 

At first, he didn't want his love thing and didn't want to have a crush on Y/n, but now, he not only wants the love he feels, but he wants her. 

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