Chapter 10 - a favor from Bakugou

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After what felt like hours, Bakugou and Y/n arrived at the hospital. Y/n was still pissed on how Bakugou insisted to take her to the hospital and technically forced her to get in his car and allow him to take her, but Bakugou didn't care. He wanted her to get there safely and not take the dirty, unsafe bus. Y/n got out of the car and so did Bakugou, making her confused.

"You don't have to get out." She said, stopping and watching him walk in front of her towards the hospital. 

"I'm paying for it remember. But only till you get your shit together." He reminded her. She knew she couldn't sit there and fight with her so she just shrugged and continued to walk. Once they reached the hospital entrance, she walked before him to the receptionist. 

"Hello ma'am, and sir! How may I help you?" The receptionist named Sakuru asked, looking up from her computer. 

"Hi. I'm Y/n and I'm here to visit M/N L/N." She replied, leaning her arms up against the desk. "Also, I was wondering if he could pay for the hospital bill for her." Y/n asked.

"Oh okay! She's in room 401 and yes of course! For now, he would have to stay behind to pay. Also, visiting hours end at 12:00!" Sakuru told her. Y/n nodded before walking to the hallways, waving by to Bakugou. Bakugou just looked to her before looking back at the receptionist, ready to pay.


Y/n and Bakugou left the hospital a little while later. The two got in the car and put their seat belts on before driving off. The ride was silent for a moment until Y/n asked, "Don't you need to know where I live?" 

"Yeah." Bakugou replied, not looking at the Y/n but at the road. Y/n nodded before grabbing her phone and turning on the GPS to show where she lived at. She moved her phone to where Bakugou could see it and then relaxed it her chair. 

The car ride then became silent until Y/n spoke once again, "I'll repay you." Bakugou turned to her and stopped the car since they were at a stop light.

"How many times do I got to tell your ass you aren't gonna pay for it." Bakugou said, looking at her. 

Y/n turned to him and said, "I'm not repaying you with money, I'm repaying you with something else!" Bakugou's face then went red and he quickly hit his face as it gotten warm. 

"Not like that!" Y/n seemed to notice him becoming red, "I mean I'll take you somewhere. Like to a club or somewhere!" She said, making Bakugou turn to her once again.

"Are you asking me out?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Now Y/n was the red one but she didn't hide her face. 

"N-No! It's just repayment, asshole!" Y/n denied. Bakugou rolled his eyes and started the car as the light turned green. The rest of car ride was silent. Y/n didn't want to speak due to how flustered she was and Bakugou was think about Y/n technically asking him out. Maybe she was taking him on a date or she wanted to just repay him like she said. He didn't try to think much of it but it just kept running through his head. 

Soon, they pulled up to Y/n's house and Y/n unbuckled her seat belt. She then turned to Bakugou and gave him another kiss on the cheek, making him sit there in shock again. "Thanks for taking me home and to the hospital. Also, thanks for paying for my mom." She smiled before exiting the car. Bakugou sat there for a moment, watching her walk up to her house and wave bye before actually walking into her house. 

Bakugou swallowed loudly before driving off. Now he was really sure she was trying to mess with him and his mind. 

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