Chapter 3 - Bakugou's tattoo

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The next day, after work, Bakugou walked to Denki, giving him Y/n's shop number. Denki did a little dance as he got it. Maybe he did want something other than a tattoo. Bakugou scoffed as he walked out the agency door. He got in his car and looked at the number dialed on his phone. Y/n's number. He had put it in and saved it the night before. He didn't want to do anything with her, he just wanted a tattoo. He sat there for a moment, wondering if he should call it or not. 

He clicked the green icon and put it to his ear. It rang a bit, until someone answered.

"Hey! This is Y/n at The Skin Canvas, how may I help you?" Y/n spoke.

Bakugou chuckled before saying, "You sound stupid."

"Oh! Bakugou! How did you get my shop number?" Y/n asked, "wait...did you put the number in when I gave the card to you?" Bakugou could feel the smirk on Y/n's face. 

"What?! No. I found it on google." He lied. 

Y/n chuckled, "Yeah, sure. Whatever. So what do you need?" She asked once again.

"What do you think?" Bakugou said. 

"I think you want me to give you something more than a tattoo~" she teased, making Bakugou go red. 

"W-What?! Hell no! I just wanted a damn tattoo!" He stammered. Y/n laughed again.

"I'm just joking, shitface. Just come down and I'll give you one." She said, hanging up. Bakugou's face was still red but he just shook his head, getting ride of it. He started his car and drove off. 


He soon made it to 'The Skin Canvas' and got out of his car, shutting the door. He walked in, seeing Y/n working on someone else's arm. Y/n then looked up and seen him, smiling. He rolled his eyes and said, "I thought you were gonna give me one right now?!" He complained. 

"You called me while I was working on someone, asshole." Y/n replied, focusing on the man's arm. 

"Whatever. Just hurry up." Bakugou ordered, and sat down in the cheap seats. They were comfortable don't worry. 

"You know that man?" The man in the chair asked as Y/n was working on him.

"You don't?" Y/n questioned, still not looking up. 

"No, I do! I'm just surprised that you know someone like him. Not trying to say anything." The man replied, pulling out his phone to scroll on Instagram or whatever he was on. "How'd you meet him? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." The man asked. Y/n has worked on this man multiple times and she told him everything, so she was used to him asking questions.

"We met at a club. I met his friend, Red Riot, first. I met Red Riot here because he came for a tattoo. He really liked it and told me that he would show it to his friends and everyone he knew. He also asked for my shop number so he could come more often. I gave him it and then we went on with our lives until last night when I saw him again. He was talking to the blondie over there." Y/n pointed at Bakugou with her usable hand before continuing, "He seen me and came over to talk to me. Before I knew it, everyone, as in his friends, came to talk to me. Except for blasty." Y/n explained. The man nodded while Y/n continued his tattoo. 

After a couple of minutes, Y/n finished the man's arm and it looked beautiful. It was a tiger roaring and other stuff around it that the man requested. The man nodded in satisfaction as Y/n walked him over to the front where he would pay. After paying, the man waved bye and walked out of the store. Y/n did the same and walked over to Bakugou who was sitting down, looking at Instagram. "Alright," Y/n pulled one of the chairs and sat down, "What does the famous Bakugou want?" Y/n leaned in to hear while Bakugou looked up from his phone.

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