Chapter 9 - replacement

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After the Bakusquad and Y/n enjoyed their little snack, Bakugou decided to go home and go to bed. It was 8:00 PM and that was usually when he went to bed. He waved bye to everyone but before he could walk out the door, Y/n came around the corner and yelled, "Bakugou!" to get his attention. He turned around to see Y/n standing in front of him. 

"What?" He raised and eyebrow at her while slowly letting go of the doorknob. Suddenly, Y/n got up on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek. Bakugou stood there, shocked and also flustered. 

"Thanks for letting me eat the noodles with ya. I know you aren't the type of person to share, so thanks." Y/n said, resting a hand on his shoulder while he still stood there. 

"Y-Yeah. No problem." He stammered. Fuck, get it together, Katsuki. He thought. Y/n waved bye to him and walked back to the living room or whatever small room they were sitting in. Bakugou just stood there, rethinking the kiss he just got from his crush. Just fucking get out of here before you get a fucking boner. He told himself before leaving. 


Y/n walked back into the lounge room of Kirishima's apartment and everyone was gone. No sign of Kirishima's kinda dark red hair, Mina's bright pink skin, Denki's very amusing laugh, or Sero's weed. Nothing was there. The room seemed...empty, boring. Y/n just shrugged and walked over to Kirishima's room where she put her stuff but before she could, someone pulled her by the wrist into the room before she could. 

"What the. How did you guys get in here, and how come you all aren't out there." Y/n used her thumb to point out in the living room. 

"We just pulled you in here to tell you that we wanted to invite you in the group and we no longer want to look for the girl we mentioned earlier. I know we could've told you in there but we knew you were coming in here to grab you stuff so, yeah." Kirishima explained. Y/n nodded but at the same time she was kinda confused.

"Honestly, I thought I already was but you know, thanks?" Y/n chuckled as the Bakusquad laughed. "But, I feel like I'm replacing her.." She said, sounding sad. 

"Who?" Kirishima asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"The girl you mentioned earlier." She replied, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms against her chest. "If we ever did find her, wouldn't she probably get mad and think that you guys replaced her? I shouldn't be replacing her spot in your guy's friendship like that." Y/n said, feeling guilty. 

"Yeah but, we probably wont find her. I mean, it's been a long time since we've last saw her. She either moved or something else." Denki spoke, sitting down on Kirishima's bed. 

"Yeah. You're right, but I still feel kinda guilty." Y/n said. 

"Girl, don't feel guilty!" Mina told her, sitting down next to Denki, "Even if we did find her, it wouldn't be your fault. It would be ours." Mina reassured. Y/n nodded but then shot up from the wall. 

"Shit!" She spoke, making the Bakusquad confused. "I forgot. I was supposed to go visit my ma and give her something. Shit!" She panicked, searching for her keys in her pocket and rushing to her bag. "Fuck. I forgot I didn't even ride my bike here, I came here with Kirishima. But it's okay, I'll find a way there. Maybe the bus." Instead of looking for her keys, she started to look for her wallet and found enough for the bus. "I'll see you guys later." She smiled, grabbing her stuff and running out of the room. The Bakusquad looked at each other before shrugging and relaxing. 


Bakugou never went home. His mind was still stuck on the kiss Y/n gave him earlier. He wondered if she did that in a friendly way or a seductive way. A way to mess with his mind and his stomach cause afterwards, his stomach felt like there was butterflies just flying everywhere. He rested his head on the wheel of his car, wondering if she would ever do it again, but he was soon away from his thoughts when he heard the sound of footsteps running. He immediately shot his head up to see Y/n running with her bag in her hand to the nearby bus stop. 

He could tell that she was exhausted from running and she seemed like she was in a hurry. He sighed loudly before starting his car and driving it towards her. He started driving at the side of her and rolled down his window. Y/n, who was scared and confused at the same time, looked in the window. Realizing it was Bakugou, she sighed and asked, "What? I thought you left minutes or hours ago." 

"I had a flat tire." He lied. Y/n came to a stop, so did Bakugou. 

"What do you want?" She said, in between breaths, "If you couldn't tell, I'm kinda in a hurry." She put her hands on her knees and tried to control her breathing. 

"Whacchya in a hurry for?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"My ma. She's uhm." She stopped for sec. Should I really tell him? She wondered. "She's in the hospital and I need to pay her bills in order to keep her in there. Today is the day I need to pay it for her or else she's gonna have to get out." She said, not looking at him, "And I only got money for the bus. I need to tell them just give me a little more time-"

"I'll pay for it." Bakugou blurted, making Y/n finally look at him. 

"What? No! I got it!" She told him.

"Clearly, you don't. You just said you only got bus money and today's the day you need to give that damn hospital money. I'll pay for it and you don't have to pay me back." Bakugou said. "Also, I'll give you a ride. Save your money so later you can pay for it yourself."   

"First of all, you don't have to pay for it. I will. Second of all, If I do let you pay for it, which I won't, I going to pay you back. Lastly, you don't have to give me a ride." Y/n said. Bakugou looked her up and down. 

"You're getting in here, I'm gonna pay for it, and you aren't paying me back." He replied. 

"Make me then." She said, crossing her arms across her chest.

Bakugou opened his car door, towered over her, and threw her over his shoulder. "Aye, put me down, asshole!" She yelled, attempting to kick him and punch his back but he used his other hand to hold down her legs.

"How am I the asshole if I'm about to pay for your moms hospital bill?" He asked. "Honestly, I think you're lucky right now." He said, opening his passenger side's door and putting her in the car. 

"You aren't taking me there!" She yelled, trying to get out of the car but he stood in front of it. "Move out of the way!" She yelled once again but he didn't budge. She rolled her eyes and kicked him in the legs, making him groan in pain.

"You little shit." He said, in between groans as he held his leg. He could see the smirk on her face as she tried to escape him but he was quick. He grabbed her quickly and put her back in the car. Before she could do anything else, he shut the door and locked it. Since she didn't hear it locked, she tried to open it. After a couple of times of pulling on the handle, she started to slam her hands against the window, which made Bakugou chuckle. 

Bakugou walked around to the driver seat door and opened it easily. Once he got in, he seen Y/n looking pissed and her arms crossed across her chest. She seemed to be pouting which made him chuckle. "Oh don't worry. Your ass will be able to get out when we get there." He said, starting the car as she rolled her eyes. 

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