Chapter 8 - extra hot

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I'm not gonna use Japanese candies cause I don't know any (┬┬﹏┬┬) SORRY

Everyone got candies from Bakugou, even thought he didn't want to give any away. Mina got Sour Patch, Denki and Kirishima shared Starburst, and Sero got a Hershey's chocolate bar. While the group was enjoying their sweet treats in the living room, Bakugou was making his noodles. He doesn't only use the spicy sauce the noodles come with, he uses all the hot stuff he's got in their shared fridge. He likes the extra spicy stuff. 

While he was sitting there, making his noodles, Y/n came in. "Are they done yet?" She asked excitedly, sounding like a child. 

"I'm not sharing this with you, idiot." Bakugou said, mixing the substances he added in the noodles. The noodles looked a little dark red and they smelled so good. 

"Pleasee!" Y/n begged. Bakugou chuckled before looking at her. She was right next to him now, pleading for his noodles. He wondered what else he could make her beg for. 

"Aye, don't act like I don't remember what your ass did at the pool party a week ago." Bakugou said.

"But that was a week ago! It's the present now, that was the past!" Y/n groaned in frustration while Bakugou was finding this hilarious. "It's not fucking funny, asshole!" Y/n kicked Bakugou in ankles and he groaned in pain.

"You know, I was thinking on saying yes to you and giving you my noodles but now, I change my mind." Bakugou said, making Y/n start punching him which actually hurt. 

"Give me some! You could've got me something!" Y/n punched him some more.

"I did, you little shit! I goy you fucking candy but you decided to not take it, ungrateful ass!" Bakugou yelled, trying to push her away. 

Y/n pouted and rolled his eyes before slowly walking out of the kitchen. Should I have given her some? He thought, watching her walk out. He sighed loudly before saying, "Aye wait." Y/n turned around, her arms still crossed along her chest. "You can have some or whatever." He looked away and continuing to mix the hot sauces again. She smiled happily before walking over to him and watching him mix the hot sauces. 

She then leaned her head on his shoulder and relaxed up against his side. This made him go crazy. This is another one of times she's been so close. She then realized and quickly moved which he clearly didn't like. "Oh sorry. Did I make you uncomfortable? I'll move. I know you like your personal space and-"

"It's fine, idiot."

She looked at him before smiling once again. His heart fluttered as she looked at him with those pretty eyes. He felt warm, he felt like he could be himself when he was around her. But he doesn't know if she could feel the same way when she was around him.


Soon, the noodles were done and Bakugou walked them out into the living room. The steam from the noodles and the smell made everyone cover their nose. 

"That shit is making the whole room steamy, Bakubro!" Kirishima covered his nose, annoyed by the steam that was kinda going in his eyes. 

"Oh shut it, shitty hair! At least its not like that sweet shit you idiots devour!" Bakugou spat and sitting down next to a hungry Y/n. He gave her some chopsticks before immediately digging in. Y/n was right there with him, slurping down the delicious, spicy noodles. The Bakusquad stared at her in confusion but at the same time, surprised.

Y/n and Bakugou looked at them and both said, "What?" 

"Honestly Y/n, I didn't think you were the type of person to eat extra hot noodles. Especially the noodles Bakugou makes." Mina said, watching as Y/n slurped a couple noodles and enjoying it. 

"That doesn't burn?" Denki asked, confused. 

"No..? I think you guys just got sensitive taste buds." Y/n joked, making Bakugou chuckle. 

"The spicy couple!" Sero shouted, making the Bakusquad laugh while Y/n and Bakugou go red. 

"What?! We aren't a couple! And we'll never will be!" Bakugou yelled. Y/n nodded in agreement while the Bakusquad stared at them in disbelief. 

"Yeah sure." Kirishima said, looking at Bakugou cause he knew he's lying. Bakugou rolled his eyes before continuing to eat. But secretly, even he knew Kirishima was right. 

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