Chapter 1 - Kirishima's Tattoo

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Bakugou threw his hero shirt inside his locker and threw his normal one on. He was about to walk out when his buddy, Kirishima Eijiro, came running in excited while the Bakusquad swarmed him like bees.

"Did you get it done?! How much was it?" Mina asked, admiring his arm. Bakugou kept his hands in his pockets but curiosity got the best of him and he wanted to see what was so special about his arm. 

"Yeah! It looks so sick!" The red head twisted his arm slightly, showing them the thing on his arm. A bunch of excited faces and excited sounds filled the room, making Bakugou more curious. 

"What so cool about a damn arm?" Bakugou spoke up, getting the squads attention. 

Kirishima looked up at Bakugou before walking over to him and showing him his arm. A tattoo of a dragon showed on his arm. Bakugou didn't show it, but he was amazed. The tattoo looked super cool but he acted like he didn't care and walked past all of them.

"whats up with him?" Kirishima asked, watching him walk out. 

"Maybe he's jealous of your cool tattoo," Denki came to his side, resting his hand on his shoulder, "Plus, isn't he always like that? Anyway, where did you get this done at man? I want one too!" Denki's eyes brightened when he looked at his arm again while Mina came to Denki's side.

"Please Denki, you would be crying that entire time!" Mina teased, making Denki pout and roll his eyes. Kirishima turned back to all of them while they continued to admire his arm.

"Alright, it isn't that great you guys!" Kirishima chuckled, putting his sleeve back down, covering his arm and making everyone groan, "Anyway, you guys wanna go out later? We haven't really hung out in a while. Plus, it will be fun! Maybe, I'll even get Bakugou to come!" 

"Please, Bakugou will never come!" Denki said, crossing his arms across his chest.

"How much you wanna bet for it?" Kirishima pulled out his wallet, showing all his money. 


Bakugou wondered where Kirishima got his arm done, cause he wanted to get a good, awesome tattoo like Kirishima's tattoo. Suddenly, he heard a few footsteps behind him and got ready to throw hands but realized it was Kirishima. 

"Hey man! I was wondering, if you wanted to join me and the squad later to go to a little hang out place, to have fun and maybe..." Kirishima smirked but Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Kirishima, I am not going to drink. Your asses can get drunk if you want, but I'm not. Plus, I'm not even going." He said, walking towards his car and unlocking it. Bakugou sat in his driver seat while rolling down his window to still talk with kirishima. 

"Listen man, I just wanted us to hang out again like we used to. You barley talk to us anymore and don't even hang out with us. All I want is for you to be there with us again." Kirishima mumbled but loud enough for Bakugou to hear and walked away. 

Bakugou sighed before yelling, "Fine shitty hair! I'll go!" Kirishima turned around, excitedly and ran back inside. 

Before Bakugou could start his car, he heard Kirishima yell, "And my hair isn't that much different from yours!" Bakugou rolled his eyes and started his car to head home. 


A few hours later, Bakugou started to get ready to go with the Bakusquad. He really didn't want to go but it seemed like they would beg him if he said no and he didn't want to be bothered by that so he decided to go.

Meanwhile, with the Bakusquad...

"How the hell did you convince Bakugou to come?!" Denki pulled a 20 dollar bill out of his pocket and handed it to Kirishima.

"I'm just built like that." Kirishima smirked as he grabbed the dollar bill out of his hand. Denki rolled his eyes and pouted as he looked out and seen Mina dancing her heart out. Suddenly, Kirishima and his eyes darted to someone walking in. It was Bakugou. Kirishima smiled brightly as he ran over to his friend and threw his arm around his shoulder. 

"I'm so glad you've made it man!" Kirishima said happily while Bakugou rolled his eyes. Denki then called Mina over and Sero came to, greeting Bakugou. 

"I don't know how Kirishima does it but he gets you to every party or fun get together!" Mina smiled, making Bakugou roll his eyes again. Suddenly, all of their eyes darted to a woman who walked in with a helmet at her side. Kirishima then gasped loudly, making everyone turn to him confused.

"That's the girl who did my tattoo!" Kirishima shrieked, "Did you guys know she went to UA and around the time we went?!" Everyone gasped, except for Bakugou who was eyeing the woman. She was beautiful but Bakugou wasn't the type of guy to fall in love quickly, so at the time, he didn't think she was attractive. 

Kirishima then shouted to her which made her turn to his direction in confusion, but when she realized it was Kirishima, she smiled and walked towards him. 

"Hey Red," she dabbed him up, "did you brag to all your friends about how cool I am?" She asked playfully. 

"Yep! They love it and so do I!" He said, lifting up his sleeve and revealing his giant dragon that covered half of his arm. 

"I'm glad you love it. You coming back?" She asked and he quickly nodded. Y/n chuckled, while Denki came up to her. 

"Could you do one on me?!" He asked. 

"Just give me your number and stop by tomorrow!" she said, smiling. Denki nodded as he started to search for his phone. Then, Mina walked up to her. 

"Now girl, I know I just met you and shit but, you are super pretty! Like very attractive!" Mina blurted as she laughed at her compliment. 

"You are to! Anyway, you tryna dance?" Y/n whispered the last part in her ear and she quickly nodded before pulling her to the dance floor.  

Bakugou just sat there in silence, watching Y/n leave with Mina and dance her heart out. Honestly, she were a good dancer and she had tattoos yourself. She had a couple of roses going upwards towards her shoulder. She also had dragon on her other arm, Bakugou was thinking she had tattoos everywhere. Kirishima then walked over to Bakugou, gaining his attention.

"What do you think?" Kirishima asked, leaning on Bakugou's shoulder. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused. 

"What do you think on y/n? Is she cool?" Kirishima asked again. Bakugou shrugged and moved to lean up against the counter. 

"Alright, man. I'm gonna have a couple of drinks to get the night started." Kirishima told him.

"Don't get your dumbass drunk again. I don't wanna take care of you like last time," Bakugou said.

Kirishima chuckled before saying, "Don't worry man. I got work in the morning anyways." Kirishima started to walk to another side of the counter to order drinks. Bakugou rolled his eyes and watched y/n move her hips to the beat. Y/n danced her heart out and looked so graceful while doing it. For some odd reason, it calmed Bakugou down. But soon, that calmness turned into rage when Denki came walking towards her, offering to dance. Y/n obviously agreed and started to dance with Denki.

Bakugou started to fill with anger but attempted to calm himself down (which worked). Bakugou just scoffed at the incident and went to go sit down somewhere.  

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