~Oh its them~

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The waiter came back with their meals, and they dug in, Quackity struggled slightly as he ate his food, he was really deciding to just drink the wine and call it a day. Though he only wished as he saw the glares Tommy and Tubbo threw at him when they noticed him barely eating.

He noticed at times Tommy and Tubbo would look off to the side where the other tables were and grew worried but had decided to not say anything for now.

They finished as they began to talk about different things, unaware to Quackity that they were being listened in on. Tommy and Tubbo tried to act as normal as possible as they saw the suspicious looks Quackity threw at them.

"Hey mama Q, can I try the wine?", Tommy asked genuinely.

"Uh no", Quackity said in a sassy tone.

"Wha- why not, cmon just a sip", Tommy whined.

Tubbo sighed at his boyfriend's behavior but laughed lightly when Quackity looked at him with the, 'stop laughing before you get yelled at first', with that he slowly shut up.

"I am not going to give a kid wine", Quackity says.

"I am 15 soon to be 16!", Tommy whined.

"Exactly, kid", Quackity says with a smug grin.

"Pleaseee just one sip", Tommy whines holding one finger.

"Fine, just ONE sip got it", Quackity says with a sigh and handed his glass over to Tommy.

Tommy smirked and took one sip, he instantly scrunched his face in disgust as he pushed the wine glass towards Quackity, who took it gracefully with a smug smirk, and started coughing.

"That is so strong! how could you drink that disgusting thing!", Tommy says in disgusted as he drank his soda to get rid of the wine taste.

"I've got my reasons, and I guess between that I just got used to it, that's why I don't drink more than I should", Quackity says with an empty voice.

"O-oh alright...erm should we head out now?"Tubbo asked.

"Sure I already placed the money", Quackity says smiling then drinking the rest of his wine.

They stood up as Quackity slightly stumbled. He catched himself and sighed as he followed the two younger males.

"Ooo can we get ice cream?", Tommy asked tugging on Quackity's sleeve.

"Sure kiddo", Quackity says ruffling his hair with a smile.

They walked up to the ice cream truck place and politely greeted the owner.

"What can I get you three dears?", the lady says nicely.

"I'll get a chocolate cone", Tommy says happily.

"I'll get the blueberry flavor but in a cup please", Tubbo says smiling.

"I'll just get the lime flavor, also in a cup please", Quackity says with a tired smile.

"Alright that will be 20 dollars dear", the lady says with a smile.

Quackity handed her the money as they waited for her to make it, Tommy and Tubbo kept looking around which started to annoy the older duck.

"Alright you brats, the hell are you two constantly looking at?", Quackity asked with a serious tone.

"N-nothing!", Tommy says too hastily.

"Bullshit, now tell me", Quackity says.

"J-just slowly look around, you will see", Tommy says looking down.

Quackity quirked a brow at this and slowly turned to see what Tommy was talking about as his eyes widened. He sucked in a harsh breath as he pretended not to notice the group and look back to the two kids.

"Here you go dears", the lady says handing them their ice cream.

They thanked her as they turned to each other.

"Y-you alright mama Q?", Tommy asked.

"J-just fine hun, we should head back", Quackity says.

"Alright Q", Tubbo sighed as he held Tommy's shaking hand.

"Calm down Tommy, I can practically sense you shaking, it's just them, no need to worry about anything, I do not wish to start anything anyways", Quackity says calmly as they started to walk off to the car.

"Alright", Tommy says with a smile.

"TOMMY!", all three stop as they hear a voice yell out.

They turned around only to face the ones and only Wilbur, Luzu, Dream, Karl, Sapnap, George, Slime, Osvaldo (el mariana) and Roier.

"G-guys! long time no see eh?", Tommy laughed nervously.

"What are you two doing hanging around...him", Karl says.

"He has a name, and we are practically staying with him, why? got a problem?", Tubbo challenged back not liking the tone Karl was using.

"You? willingly staying with him? find it hard to believe", Sapnap says coldly.

"Yes on our own free choice", Tommy glared.

"Tommy, come here, I am taking both of you home, now", Wilbur says walking to them.

"NO", Tommy yelled.

"No?", Wilbur stopped momentarily before continuing his walk towards them.

"I am and I will bring you home", Wilbur says coldly.

Quackity hands Tubbo his ice cream and stood in front of the two younger males protectively.

"Move Quackity", Wilbur snarled.

"I think I'm fine just here, don't you", Quackity shot back just as bad.

"I am serious give them to me!", Wilbur says getting impatient.

"And they said no, so I'd leave if I were you, I am not going to them back if they do not wish to go with you", Quackity growled out.

Quackity and Wilbur glared at each other as Quackity felt up his leg, where his gun was, only to feel a tug on his sleeve pull his hand away. He turned his head slightly to the side to look back, only to be meet with scared and worried looks, as Tommy shook his head.

"You said you weren't going to start anything ma", Tommy says.

Quackity frown and slowly looked back at the group of men who had hurt him.

"Leave, I will only ask this one time", Quackity said glaring at them.

The men scoffed and stood there as Quackity walked away, followed by the two younger males. They get in the car as Quackity growled in anger, the two younger males stayed quiet as they were too afraid to say anything.

After leaving and heading to the house, Quackity sighed and leaned back slightly on the seat.

"I'm sorry if I had scared you both", Quackity says softly.

"I-its fine, we understand, you did scare us a bit, but you also stood up for us when we didn't want to leave you", Tommy says geniuently.

"Yeah we really did wanna go back", Tubbo says as he smiled.

"Yeah I'm not ready to let two brats get out of my sight any time soon", Quackity said with a joking smirk as he looked at them quickly before looking back at the road.

Little did they know was that before they left, one member of the group placed a tracker on Quackity's car, letting them see where they would start off.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ