~Isnt this lovely~

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Osvaldo (el Mariana) caught him since he was closer as he yelled out Quackity's name. He picked him up and headed inside and when straight for the living room. He carefully laid Quackity down on the couch that had an L shape. He and the rest noticed how Quackitys face scrunched up in pain as he winced and moved a bit.

"Is he alright? He didn't get hurt at all just really angry", Osvaldo says.

"Well technically he did get hurt, I remember him telling me that certain movement to his wings which are caused by his own negative emotions can cause harm to him and I guess when he did that earlier it caused him to strain his wings, also it looks like he hasn't done what he did for a long while", Philza says catching his breath.

"Will he be alright though?", Karl asked.

"Well it really depends", Philza says.

"Depends on what?", George asked.

"On how bad his emotions where on that moments and how bad it strained him, we can keep him in bed for him to rest even if it's not that bad", Philza says.

"Yeah that would be best actually", Sapnap says.

"Mr.Smiley?", Tallulah asked as she held Bobby's hand as they both walked towards the sleeping figure of Quackity.

"He's hurt kids, he must rest for a while, and we must take care of him but you got to be careful alright", Roier says.

"You can stay here but we don't know when he will wake up or you can go with Tommy and Tubbo and play outside for a while and we can tell you when he waits up?", Luzu suggests.

Both kids agree to play for a while then come to see how Quackity is doing, they walked towards Tommy and Tubbo then headed outside to play.

"Should we flip him over and check his wings? Just to see if there isn't too much damage?", slime asked.

"Yeah that seems like a good idea, he might get mad but it's for his own health", Dream sighs.

Wilbur walked over to Quackity and lightly lifted him and turned him over to his stomach. They noticed his shirt was a bit ripped so they didn't have to actually take off his shirt but they were going to just to change his clothes. Philza told Chayanne to go outside and play with the other two kids which he did and left. Philza walked over to Quackity and examined his wings to notice any strain. He sighed as he felt and saw strain very much on Quackitys wings, he guessed the younger really was beyond angry.

"So? What's wrong?", George asked.

"Nothing is wrong just that there is much strain on his wings and I wouldn't doubt it if he can't walk for a few days, he will surely feel a good amount of pain so we will have to help him through that", Philza says.

"He really was extremely angry then", Slime says.

"Very much, Can one of you grab him a change of clothes? Make sure it has a wing cut out for his wings of course", Philza says.

"Sure I'll go", Roier says as he left to grab the clothes.

"Can someone undress him under a blanket? I'm going to grab some ointment for his wings and any of strains he could possibly inflicted on himself", Philza says as he walked out the room and went to search for a med kit.

Luzu with the help of Dream carefully undressed Quackity and couldn't help but suck in a breath of the amount of scars that were inflicted in the poor ducks body. Everyone else saw as well as Philza came back and gasped lightly.

"What is this?", Philza asked with a hand over ING his mouth slightly.

"W-we knew he had depression and stuff like that but this- this is bad and it doesn't look self inflicted more like someone else did it", Karl says.

"There is so much ", Wilbur breathed out as he covered his mouth.

"Stop looking it will not make it better, now place a blanket over him so I can properly heal the young duck", Philza say's seriously.

"O-oh right, here I found this blanket over there", Dream says handing the blanket over to Luzu who covered Quackity with it.

Philza placed the ointment and other stuff to heal the poor duckling as Roier came back with the clothes. Osvaldo with the help of Dream and Wilbur put the clothes on Quackity carefully, one could have done with but couldn't due to Quackity being hurt.

Dream laid Quackity down again gently as he could, Quackity let out a wince and whine as he was placed on his back. Dream panicked and turned him over to his left side where Quackity did the same but ended with a satisfied sigh as he cuddled up with the soft pillows and blanket around him as he felt a bit cold.

Roier had brought shorts and a short sleeved shirt with zip up openings for his wings, they all watched as Quackity looked in content as he slept peacefully.

"Do you think this is also our fault?", George asked as he sat down in front of Quackity.

"It is, we shouldn't have gave him this much responsibility while he is still trying to fix other things he shouldn't do", Sapnap says.

"True but we are going to fix our mistakes no matter what even if we have to beg literally for his forgiveness ", Slime says.

Everyone agreed as they watched Quackity sleep peacefully, occasionally whining as he tried to grab his back, though the men were right there to help Quackity out even though he was deep in his sleep.

Quackity woke up as everything was blurry, he slowly rested himself of his left elbow as his right hand tried to grab his back as he winced. He heard someone talking to him but everything was blurred. He felt someone touched him and he turned over me his head to look at the person but still was blurry visioned.

"Quackity? Hey you okay? Quackity?" Dream asked.

"Who? I can't hear? Can't see? Everything is blurred, why does everything hurt?", Quackity whispered as he winced in pain.

"Guys? What do we do?", dream asked.

"Rest him back down and calm him in a way, maybe tracings shapes on his arms?", Sapnap suggests.

Dream did just that and laid Quaicky down on his side again and traced shapes softly and tigly on his arm as he noticed Quackity come back to reality.

"How you feeling now?" Dream asked.

Quackity looked confused at first and a little scared then remembered everything that happened and turned to shock and a little mad.

"Well isn't this lovely", Quackity says no emotion.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now