~Old friend~

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The younger males saw Quackity sitting at the beach and called out to him to join them. He denied saying he didn't want to go in as they sighed and continued with their fun.

Quackity sighed and laid his chin on his knees as he watched them.

You should go

Quackity flinched and lifted his head looking around, this confused the men cause this time it wasn't them.

Go with them

It will be fun little duck

Quackity's breath hitched as he only knew one person that called him that his entire life.


But that couldn't be, he was gone, dead, he wasn't there.

Quackity shook his head and controlled his breathing as he tried to shake off the odd feeling.

Go little duck

Quackity ignored it as he covered his ears slowly, slightly shaking his head.

"Quackity!", Tubbo called out noticing Quackity's behavior.

Quackity didn't hear him as he shook his head, Tubbo raised a brow and walked towards him and gently touched him, noticing the flinch the duck gave as he was touched. Quackity looked up with a confused expression as Tubbo studied him.

"I've been calling your name, are you alright?", Tubbo asked.

Quackity looked at him then behind him, noticing the other kids were still playing around, he looked back at Tubbo and nodded.

"I-I'm fine", Quackity says.

"Yeah uh huh, let's go your gonna have fun", Tubbo says in a sassy tone as he dragged a confused Quackity into the water.

"W-wait! No I don't want to get we-", Quackity got cut off by being thrown softly into the deep parts of the water.

Tubbo helped Quackity back into the surface as Quackity grabbed his hat and glasses with a slightly open mouth in shock. Quackity looked at Tubbo with a scary expression as he lunched at him dragging him down into the water then swam to land to place his things down. Quackity turned around and walked back into the water, once he was deep enough to swim, he swam towards Tubbo with a smirk as Tubbo looked at him with an angry face. Quackity shrugged his shoulders and laughed as he swam backwards.

He let himself float around until he felt a tug, he looked beside him and saw Tallulah holding on to his shirt as she floated on her stomach. She smiled at him and swam away towards Bobby, Quackity smiled a bit before looking up at the sky. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out with sigh as he felt the warmth of the sun.

He went underwater and stayed like that for a less than 2 minutes before going to the surface slicking his hair back as he went up. He started swimming to the land and walked back to their spot on the beach. He grabbed a towel and bent a bit forward and dried his hair a bit, he flipped his hair back and stood straight as he continued to dry his hair a bit. His hair was messed up but in a sexy way, the men watching blush at Quackity as they see him do this.

Quackity called out to the rest to eat, he laughed a bit as he saw Bobby and Tommy running towards him screaming out "Food!", Quackity gave them their food as he also started to it.

See now wasnt that fun little duck?

Quackity stopped mid chew as his eyes widen.

You don't have to be like this

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now