~Oh my god~

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It's been a few days since Quackity had gotten his medication and the rest could see if was slowly working, he wasn't as stiff or didnt jump at the slightest of sounds.

Currently they were all outside watching the four kids run around the yard as the older ones sat down and watched them.

Quackity had a slight smile on his face as he watched the kids, he enjoyed the peace he felt, the gentle wind that blew through him, the sun hitting his face nicely.

He sighed in content as he looked over at the other men sitting with him, he would be lying if he said they weren't attractive or kind, maybe he had been wrong about them or might have been a bad time to have known them before.

He felt his heart leap as he stared at them, he didn't even realized his eyes softened and he held a soft smile, a little bit wider than before.

Quackity though back at all that has happened from the point where he still hated them to now.

How times have changed.

Fast at that.

Quackity didn't know how to deal with fast changed but he could get used to it. He spent so long alien he forgot how different things are when your around other people.

He let his mind wonder off again to the same men and felt something he couldn't quiet place.

It was a different feeling, he didn't hate it, actually he quite liked it.

It felt nice and warm.

His mind looped around at the thought of them, he smiled to himself as he felt himself get light.

He had felt something similar when he was in his freshly started relationship with schlatt before he got abusive and died, second times with Karl and Sapnap until everything went downhill.

He slowly realized what these feelings meant, his eyes widened as he stopped smiling.

He didn't want to believe that he was...falling for them.

He couldn't do love, everything crashed and stuck it to his head that love wasn't meant for him. That he was meant to be alone with no lover for the rest of his life.

Now here he was, accepting the fact that he had falling for the men who vowed to change and fix their mistakes.

Quackity felt bad for making them work harder than they should and he still believed they deserved it but the fact is that he had forgave them a long while ago.

Yes he held hatred for those who wronged him and he always looked for revenge but he wasn't heartless, he knew if the person knew their mistake and changed for the better than he too would let it go.

He replayed every memory,every feeling,every moment, yet all he had felt was peace with a tint of anger when it came to them.

He noticed their change, their care, he wanted to believe they would feel the same way he did or else it would all go downhill if they don't.

He took a gentle breath and exhaled to clear his mind, right now isn't the time to think about his newly crush on them or their own feelings.

The men felt something wrong and looked at Quackity who seemed deep in thought with wide eyes and a slight frown, they also noticed they small bit of blush running through his cheeks.

They wondered what had been wrong until they saw Quackity take a small breath and exhale with a calm expression.

They would ask him later.

They also looked at each other having a silent conversation as they always did.

Here's the thing.

They before coming realized they still or had developed feelings for the duckling and decided it would be best to come clear with their mistakes and work hard for Quackitys forgiveness and trust, they believed they have yet to work harder and that was alright with them.

As long as they stayed close was enjoy to bring them some type of happiness from just seeing their crush happy. They all agreed to not fight for who would get Quackity as they thought Quackity nor them would appreciate it very much.

They came to an agreement to all come into a relationship with Quackity if he were to choose that.

They would also respect what Quackity decides no matter what.

So you see, all of them like- no love Quackity and Quackity likes them.

Yet, they didn't know who the other felt so they continued to keep quiet, at least for however long they have liked the other.

Quackity had calmed down and looked over again noticing they were looking at him.

"What's wrong?", Quackity asked tilting his head a little.

"Nothing we're just admiring your beauty", Dream says smiling.

"Haha very funny", Quackity says blushing hard.

"He's right you know, your very beautiful", Osbaldo says.

Quackity only turned his head to the side to hide his massive blush as he mumbled something about idiots and morons. The men laughed or chuckled as they clearly heard the smaller and seen the massive blush they managed to bring out.

Quackity smiled hearing them as he took a peek at them every once in a while as they continued to watch the kids.

At some point they got tired and wanted food. Quackity sighed and decided he would go and make them some food.

He walked into the kitchen and looked as he thought of something to make. Eventually he decided on something small and nothing to difficult.

He turned on the stove and placed a pan there as he prepared the meat and soon placed it on the pan to cook. He got other ingredients out before he felt hands go around his waist as he stopped frozen when he felt a head resting in top of his own.

"Want any help?", Osvaldo asked.

"Uh sure", Quackity says trying to get rid of his growing blush.

Osvaldo chuckled and started to help Quackity out with the food. Soon enough the rest came into the kitchen and watched the two as they made jokes and laughed.

"Where are the kids?", Quackity asked not looking up as he was busy mixing the sauces up.

"They are still outside waiting, they are in the garden actually, don't know why said something about flowers", Wilbur says shrugging giving a smile.

"Alright, tell them the food will be done in a few so they should go and clean up before then", Quackity says.

"You sound like a mom", Karl says chuckling a bit.

"Once was", Quackity whispered.

"What was that Q?", Dream asked.

"Nothing Can you just tell them please", Quackity says quickly.

"Yeah sure thing", Dream says walking out.

A few moments later they could hear laughing from the hall way all the way until it disappeared upstairs.

"These kids are a mess", Dream says covered in dirt.

"I- what happened to you?", Quackity asked as he laughed.

"Tallulah and Tommy thought it'd be a good idea to have dirt covered hands and run it through my face and shirt ", Dream says.

"Well you clean up too", Quackity says laughing sd he turned back to making the final touches.

"Alright alright ", Dream whined and sighed leaving the room.

They other immediately laughed after he left and laughed more hearing him yell from the bathroom down the hall.

"Alright it's done", Quackity says as Osvaldo helped plate the food.

"Thank you for helping me", Quackity says as he watched the rest leave the room and into the dinning room.

"No need to thank me amor", Osvaldo says with a smile as he hugged Quackity close, hands wrapped around his small waist.

"Erm let's go give them their food", Quackity says turning away with a blush.

Osvaldo chuckled and helped Quackity place the food down at the table as the 5 came back and sat down and started eating.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now