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Quackity sat down at his spot at the table and stared at the food in front of him. His hands which were placed on either side of the plate in front of him, held tightly on the silverware.

"Q? please eat something", Tubbo said.

Quackity didn't say anything just slowly started to eat it. He only finished held before he put the silverware on the plate and pushed the plate away from him with a blank glare.

Tommy and Tubbo sighed and smiled sadly at him, they were glad he ate at least something, but they were saddened that he didn't eat more than just half.

Quackity rested his hands on the table like before and stared down at the table. Tommy and Tubbo quickly finished and put the dishes away and made their way back to Quackity.

They brought his back to the living room as they watched him sit back down in the same spot Tommy left him in. They watched as he stared at the flowers in the small table in front of him.

"Do you like flowers Q?", Tubbo asked.

"They did", Quackity says softly.

"Who ma?", Tommy asked as he sat next to Quackity.

"Tilin", Quackity says quietly.

"Oh and who is that?", Tubbo smiled.

"My son", Quackity says sadly as he brought his legs up to his chest and hugged them tightly like before.

"You have a son?", Tubbo asked shocked.

"Had one", Quackity says quietly.

"What do you mean?", Tubbo asked taking notice of the glare Tommy shot at him.

Tommy already knew about Tilin from his dad and plenty of others and how slime accidentally killed him.

"Slime killed him, by accident I guess", Quackity shrugged.

"You guess?", Tubbo asked.

"Tubbo just stop asking him questions, it's a hard topic for him", Tommy says seriously.

"Your right, I'm sorry", Tubbo says rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's fine...", Quackity says slowly.

Quackity slowly got up and headed up the stairs careful not to fall, the other two follow quickly confused.

"What are you doing", Tommy asked.

"Want to see him", Quackity says emotionlessly as he dressed into different clothes.

"W-who?", Tubbo asked.

"Tilin", Quackity says standing in front of him.

Tommy and Tubbo stared at him them each other.

"Alright then", Tubbo says grabbing the coat Quackity left on his bed as the other two already headed down the stairs.

Quackity went out side along with everyone else (the others were following them) and headed forward, not bothering to take his car. They followed Quackity as they watch him pick purple lilacs along the way. They were confused as they watched him, soon enough they saw a red light shooting in the sky once they were close enough. Quackity walked a little faster as they watch him and soon, they reached a grave.

Quackity walked slowly to it and sat on his knees in front of it. He placed the flowers at the grave and smiled sadly.

"What was he like?", Tommy asked as he and Tubbo sat on either side of Quackity.

" He was so nice, he was just like me, acted like it too, I should have been there for him more, he thought I didn't love him, it was my fault his got killed", Quackity says hugging his legs to his chest again with his head resting on them.

"What no Q, you are the best, it is not your fault, we know you loved him dearly, he was your son after all", Tommy tried to comfort him.

"Still wasn't there for him like he probably wanted me to", Quackity says covering his face in his legs.

Tommy and Tubbo frowned at this and looked at each other.

"That not true Q, you were always there", Tubbo says .

Quackity didn't respond only stayed covering his face as he let the tears fall from his eyes. Suddenly they heard footsteps as Tommy and Tubbo turned to look behind them as Quackity didn't bother to look.

"Phil?", Tubbo says surprised.

"Oh Tubbo, Tommy! What are you both doing here with um... who is that?", Phil asked as he greeted the two.

"Why are you here? is that Chayanne and Tallulah behind you?", Tommy asked.

"Yes, it is, also with bobby, it's Roier's son, just who is that?", Phil asked.

Quackity lifted his head and turned it slightly looking at Phil with a blank stare.

"Quackity? damn it's been a while, sorry about your son", Phil says sadly.

"What are you doing here?", Quackity asked with no emotion.

"Oh erm bobby wanted to come visit your son, Tilin right? we brought some stuff if you don't mind", Phil says with a soft sad smile.

Quackity got up and moved out the way as well as Tubbo and Tommy. Phil noticed the change in Quackity, this wasn't the outgoing and bright smile Quackity. Bobby walked forward and placed flowers and some toys on the grave as Tallulah made a soft melody.

Quackity stared, he had met Tallulah once before wilbur took her away. Tallulah looked at him and smiled.

"Mr. Smiley! it's you again!", Tallulah says smiling at him, running and gave him a hug.

Quackity froze and frown as he looked down at the small girl, she was a spitting image of Wilbur. Bobby went up to him and waved, Bobby was also a spitting image of Roier. Phil noticed the frown and sad eyes Quackity had and frowned as he shot a look at Tommy and Tubbo who only shook their heads. Chayanne stared at Quackity and frowned as he went up and grabbed Tallulah away from him. Quackity only stared at them with no emotion at all as Chayanne glared at him.

"Um so erm I see you've met Tallulah and Bobby, this is my son, Chayanne, son this is Quackity", Phil says softly.

Chayanne only glared at the Quackity, who only stared at them with a slight frown.

"Erm Quackity may I ask a favor?", Phil asked.

"What", Quackity says breathlessly.

"Can you look after Bobby and Tallulah, their parents have yet to come back and I'm sure you are a safe choice since these two are with you", Phil says.

"Why", Quackity asked.

"Well me and Chayanne have some important stuff to do, and it will be a hassle with two other young ones, so, would you?", Phil asked hopefully.


"Yes!" both Tommy and Tubbo yelled out cutting off Quackity.

"We would love to watch after these little ones", Tommy says smiling ignoring the glare Quackity was giving him.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now