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"Woah sorry, didn't mean to scare ya, can you uh put the knife down", Philza asked with his hands up.

"Oh right sorry", Quackity says as he put his knife away.

"Why do you have that on you anyways", Philza asked.

"I always carry some type of weapon, it's just a safe thing for me, anyways what are you doing here?", Quackity asked.

"Oh just came to check up on you, just making sure they aren't causing you too much trouble", Philza says.

"Mhm they are actually pretty calm children", Quackity says softly.

"Really? knowing their dads, I thought they would be just as wildly energetic", Philza says with a chuckle.

"They're energetic alright but not that energetic", Quackity says looking at him.

"Guess so, may I see them?",Philza asked as Quackity nodded in response.

Quackity led him inside and told him to sit down in the living room as he went to see if the children were done. Quackity knocked on Tallulah's door as she heard a small, "come in", Quackity peaked his head in and told Tallulah his grandpa was here to see them, Tallulah ran out the room excitedly as Quackity went to tell Bobby. Once both kids were downstairs Quackity quickly went to tell Tommy and Tubbo to head downstairs.

Quackity watched as the two children laugh as Philza ruffled their hair and told them jokes, he noticed Chayanne wasn't there.

"Where is your son?", Quackity asked placing down a glass of water for Philza.

"Oh he is sleeping right now, I just came to visit quickly, I don't like leaving him alone for long", Philza says.

"Ah I see", Quackity says sitting down on another couch in the room.

"So how have you kids been behaving? I hope you aren't causing trouble for Quackity", Philza asked with a look.

Both kids shake their heads saying they have been on their best behavior. Tommy and Tubbo even said they were wonderful to have around, Quackity didn't hear much from how tired he was.

After a few more minutes Philza had to leave and said goodbye, Quackity closed the door and locked it. He asked if they would like to eat something, yet no one was hungry. He told them off to do whatever they wanted to do as he was going to head to bed. Quackity said goodnight to them and headed upstairs and into his room, he decided to change into shorts and to a long sleeve shirt which was baggy on his small frame. He yawned and climbed into his bed and got under the covers. He laid his hands beside his head and looked up at the ceiling.

His breathing evened out and he slowly fell asleep as his head turned to his head to the left side.

You are beautiful

Are little duckling

Gorgeous you are

We will make things right


Quackity was frozen as he was kissed by multiple people and was also spoken to. Quackity melted into each kiss, they were soft on his lips, the touches he was given were soft. Quackity tried to look at who they were only to see a shadow covering their stop half.

A hand caressed his face as he felt different pairs of hands touching him.

Wake up darling

Quackity woke up with a start as he breathed in and out, he looked over and sighed at the time.

2:23 AM.

He laid back down and covered his eyes with one arm as the free hand he had he used it to grab his shirt/middle of the chest.

He sighed tiredly and removed his arm away from his eyes and rested it on top of his stomach and closed his eyes again and began to fall asleep again.

-Next morning-

Quackity woke up and headed down stairs, he yawned and scratched his stomach as he began to look on what to make for breakfast. He quickly makes some breakfast consisting of toast, juice and coffee, eggs and bacon and some potatoes to go along with it.

He heard footsteps come down stairs and saw all four kids looking at him with tired yet hungry looks.

He laughed as he took in the expressions that screamed, 'food!', he gave them their plates and drinks as they all went to sit down. He smiled as he looked at them, he as well started eating, he finished first and headed to get himself into another pair of clothes.

He went downstairs again and noticed the two children playing in the living room, smiled and headed out the door. He headed towards the garden he had on the front side of the house, he sat down and started to look at the flowers that needed to be treated. He grabbed his tools and pulled out some scissors and started cutting the dead parts of the plant and put many things to get them healthy.

He was thankful he put something over his clothes or else he would have been covered in dirt. He put his stuff away and headed off to wash his hands.

He walked back into the house and noticed Tommy and Tubbo playing with the two children, he greeted them and sat down on the couch.

"Where have you been?", Tommy asked.

"Outside at the garden", Quackity says smiling at them.

"Oh, treating the lilacs and roses?", Tubbo asked.

"Yes I was, it had some dead parts on it, so I cut it off and added stuff to it to make it healthy", Quackity says.

Tommy let out an 'ohh' as he continued to play with the two younger kids.

Quackity stepped out for a bit which turned into a while until they heard yelling coming from outside.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now