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"I- we know this seems wrong but we had a reason okay, just let us explain please", Osvaldo says nervously.

"Wrong? Of course it is! Why the hell are you here? Have- you have been spying... haven't you?", Quackity asked as he tried to get up only to groan in pain.

"Careful now okay here let me him you", Wilbur says helping Quackity into a sitting position.

"And to answer your question, yes we have, we will be completely honest with you in answering your questions, we did spy on you BUT it was only to see if Tommy and Tubbo were safe with you as well as the two younger kids, although we saw how good you were to them and decided to see who we failed to see", Slime says.

"Why would you want to do that?", Quackity asked.

"Because Quackity we see what went wrong after all these years", Sapnap says.

"We want to fix what we did wrong with you", Luzu says.

"We promise to make it right this time", Dream finishes for them.

Quackity looked conflicted at the confession, how could he not after all these were the men that hurt him in their own way. He looked down at this hands and played with them as his hair covered half his face. The others looked at each other nervously, they hoped that Quackity would see they were being genuine and agree to let them fix things.

"What made you want to fix things with me?", Quackity asked.

"We saw things we um weren't suppose to see but that only made us feel more guilty for being part of what has caused you pain", Osvaldo says.

"Why now?", Quackity asked still not looking up at them.

"We wanted to before but we were to self centered and selfish to take your feelings into consideration", George says.

" So your only doing this cause you felt guilty? If that's it then you can leave no-", Quackity was cut off by a hand grabbing both his clenched hands.

"No, we aren't doing this cause we are guilty, I mean we are guilty but that isn't the reason", Roier says.

"Then why?", Quackity asked as he looked at Roiers hand on his, it made his own look small compared to Roier and the others.

"Because we care about you", Karl says.

"You didn't before", Quackity says.

"We have always cared in a way but then things happened but I hope you can believe us when we say we really truly care", Sapnap says.

"Then why leave, why betray me, why hurt me, why turn your backs on me", Quackity says clenching his hands more inside of Roiers bigger hands.

"We didn't know how to react when something happened back then, we reacted the worse way possible and we are sorry really sorry", Luzu says.

Quackity went quiet at this, things did happen, things he didn't understand why and why the others reacted the way they did, even if he also in a way hurt some of them, they did it first so he reacted the only way he also could, but what was he suppose to do now. The men were partically begging him to show him that they care but deep down he knew they didn't have to prove it to him, he still cared for them as well.

He decided to be hard on them just as a payback for what they did to him, he looked up finally and stared at them one by one. He looked back at his hands that were being held tightly by Roiers, he looked up to Roier and gave a small smile.

Roiers eye widen but still have a bright smile back, Quackity sighed and looked up and let go of Roiers hands. His own hands went up to fix just beanie only to feel nothing but just his hair.

He felt a tap on his shoulder only to turn and see Slime holding his favorite beanie to him with a smile.

"Thank you", Quackity says softly as he grabbed the beanie and placed it on his head neatly.

"Your welcome Quackity", Slime says with a smile as he fixed his glasses.

"I do so hope you are all being genuine and are truly telling the truth, for your sakes at least", Quackity says with a sigh.

"Wait so you are giving us a chance?", Dream asked with hope laced in his voice.

"Yes but fuck up and it will be your very last", Quackity says seriously.

"O-ok!", all of them say as they gave Quackity a bright smile and stupid struck looks.

Quackity couldn't help but also smile at them before wincing in pain that struck him from the back.

"Still hurts doesn't it", Luzu says.

"Shit hurts worse than being stabbed right now", Quackity says as he grabbed over his shoulder.

"I will try to find some pain killers to see if that works", Sapnap says leaving the room.

"You know why your wings hurt Q?", Wilbur asked.

"I was mad and that caused strain didn't it?", Quackity says with a quiet groan.

"Yeah, Phil check ya out before leaving to go outside", George says.

"How long have you not used your wings Quacks?", Luzu asked as he sat next to him.

"5 years", Quackity says slowly.

"5 years?!", all the men yell out in surprise.

"What happened?", Philza asked with Sapnap next to him walking into the room.

"Quackity hasn't used his wings for 5 years! That's why it caused him so much strain from being mad and stretching out his wings the way he did", Karl says.

"It's really not a big deal", Quackity says nervously.

"Not a big deal? Quackity you know how much pain will come out of it for not using your wings for this long, you know us who hold the ability to have wings must use them", Philza says.

"I know that but I just-" Quackity tries to explain only to cut himself off.

"You just what?", Wilbur asked.

"I couldn't use or leave them in the open", Quackity says looking down.

"Why not?", Osvaldo asked.

"Because they always got hurt", Quackity says sadly.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now