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Quackity yawned as he woke up the next morning, he noticed he was laid on the couch different from where he fell asleep in. He slowly got up as he felt a little pain on his back, he groaned as he tried to sit up, he flinched a bit when he felt someone touch him as he quickly looked up.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, I just came to see if you were awake and saw you struggling so I decided to help", Slime says.

"It's okay, thank you", Quackity says as Slime helped him sit up.

"No problem, would you like to come to the dining room to eat? I can help you if you want?", Slime suggests.

"Yeah I'd like that", Quackity says smiling a bit.

"Alright, how do you feel?", Slime asked as he helped Quackity stand up.

"Still hurts but I'll be fine", Quackity says with a slight groan.

They walked into the kitchen and noticed everyone already there, Slime helped Quackity sit down in his usual spot then head to his own.

"Good morning Q how are you feeling?", Wilbur asked.

"I'm fine, oh thank you", Quackity says as he was handed his plate of food.

"No problem", George says as he placed Quackity food down and gave him a smile.

"Does your back still hurt?", Dream asked.

"A bit yes", Quackity says as he took a bite of his food.

"I think we should do some exercise Quackity, on your wings that is, just to reduce the strain and help you back up in the air", Philza says as he wiped Chayanne's mouth.

"I guess", Quackity shrugged as he pushed his half eaten food away from him.

"Quacks? can you eat a little more?", Luzu asked.

Quackity shook his head and stared at him.

"Please Quackity", Karl says.

"Fine", Quackity says as he sighed and ate another big full of his food.

The rest smiled and continued to eat their food as Quackity just played with his hands.

"Quackity, let's head outside, your wings and mine are too big to spread out in a such closed area", Philza says as he took hold of Chayanne.

"Cmon Mr.Smiley", Tallulah says happily as she held Wilburs hand.

"Do you need help standing?", Sapnap asked.

Quackity nodded as he watched Sapnap going towards him and helped him up. They all headed outside as Sapnap held tightly onto Quackity, preventing him not to fall as he stumbled.

"Okay can you set him down to sit Sapnap", Philza says.

Sapnap nodded and carefully helped Quackity sit down, taking notice of the wince Quackity let out as he set the duck down.

"Alright I'm going to touch and spread your wings out, stop me if it hurt too much okay?", Philza says as he went around to stand on Quackitys left side.

"Alright", Quackity says as he lightly scratched the inside of his right palm.

Philza carefully took Quackity left wing and noticed how big it was compared to normal duck wings, then again he was half human, he carefully spread the wing hearing the wince Quackity let out.

"Does it hurt?", Philza asked.

"I'm fine", Quackity says.

"Are you sure?", Philza asked again.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now