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The four children quickly went outside and saw Quackity yelling at none other than Sam, the least person they expected to see or well the men, Tubbo and Tommy expected to see.

"You can not be responsible for these kids, have you forgotten what you are?", Sam sneered out.

"I beg your pardon?", Quackity says shocked.

"You will leave them for dead, just like you did your son, you will hurt them, just as you did Dream!", Sam yelled out.

At this point the men decided to show themselves as this argument was violent and one sided as it seemed, Philza who was going to visit again but this time with Chayanne heard the commotion and hurried on over, noticing the kids and guys that were behind Quackity.

"Dream? what are you all doing here? he is dangerous! a monster!", Sam yelled angerily.

Quackity turned his head slightly as his eyes widened seeing who was behind him, his breath hitched as the men looked at him with worry, they gave him a silent nod telling him they will explain later and handle this first.

"You four leave, get inside", Quackity told the four kids, they did as told.

"Should have gotten you when I had the chance, you are a danger to everyone, yeah remember that day, you are not who you think you are, do you understand that? you hurt so many people and I was too naive to see it, I will take these children as you are not fit to take care of them, you have done enough damage as it is and I will not-".

A loud bang silenced everyone as Sam cut his words off with a groan as he held the side of his shoulder. Quackity quickly looked back and saw Bobby shaking with wide eyes as he held Quackity's gun in hand.

"Why you little!", Sam yells at the shaking child, walking up to him but Quackity got to him first.

Quackity ran over to Bobby and gently snatched the gun from his hands and pointed it at Sam as his other free hand pushed Bobby behind him, protecting him and Tallulah who came to hug Bobby.

"I've got the gun now so were all gonna listen to me", Quackity says breathing a bit heavily.

"Listen to you? how dare you!", Sam yells ignoring the glares the men, Pilza and Chayanne, Tommy and Tubbo sent his way.

"How dare I? How dare you come into my home, threaten me and these kids, talk bad about me, and how dare YOU try and take Bobby and Tallulah away from me!", Quackity says walking towards him, and his wings which have grown almost like Philza's burst out of his back, slightly ripping his shirt.

"How dare you walk onto my territory and demand something so preposterous and expect me to follow with it! You talk about me being a danger when you are the only one here who is the danger, the monster, I advise you to leave me home and never look back", Quackity says as he stood close to Sam pointing his gun at him with wide wings.

"You think I would listen to someone like you? don't make me laugh, I want the children now hand them over!", Sam yelled.

Sam screamed out as Quackity shot him on his right leg.

"You will not and never demand something of me, you think I will give these two young children in the hands of you? I'd rather be a danger to them than hand them over, and you are bold to demand me to hand them to you when their fathers are right here", Quackity sneered as he watched Sam hold his bleeding leg with his free hand.

"Why you-!", Sam was cut off by a bullet passing his head, missing him on purpose.

"Next time I won't miss, you know better than to anger me, you know better to know that I never miss, so I will tell you again, leave my home while you still can", Quackity says folding his wings back as he still pointed his gun at Sam.

Sam growled and hurried away from there while he still could, knowing he'd be off dead if he continued. Quackity winced at the pain at his back, it's been many years since he reacted this way and that effected his wings. Quackity put his gun in his holder on the side of his leg and turned around, ignoring everyone who wasn't Tallulah and Bobby. He quickly made his way over to them and got down on his knees in front of them, checking if they were fine, both kids where crying from fear.

"What the hell were you thinking? grabbing my gun and shooting him?!", Quackity says.

"H-he was yelling at you, saying mean things! all I wanted to do was protect you from him, he was going to hurt you! I didn't mean to do it, I just panicked and shot him, I'm sorry!", Bobby cried as he talked.

"Mr. Smiley please don't yell at him, it wasn't his fault all he wanted was to get that man away from you", Tallulah reasoned as she cried as well, holding Bobby's hand.

The rest softened their looks on the kids, they weren't at fault or in the wrong, all they wanted was to protect Quackity.

Quackity's angered glare softened at the children, he brought his hands up and wiped away their tears and hugged them which they returned the hug more harder.

"You know better knowing I can handle my own, I am not mad, just panicked because you grabbed my gun without thinking, you or anyone else could have gotten hurt, stop crying no one here is mad at you, just do not go around grabbing my stuff that is dangerous", Quackity says as he pulled away from the hug mid talk to take a good look at them.

"Y-you're not mad?", Bobby asked with trembling lips.

"No, maybe a bit for you grabbing stuff you shouldn't grab but generally I am not mad", Quackity says with a soft smile.

"Promise?", Tallulah asked holding her and Bobby's pinky up.

Quackity chuckled a bit before wrapping his pinky around both children's and smiled at them.


Quackity caught sight of everyone else and looked at the kids again.

"You know there is someone that probably wants to make sure you're okay", Quackity says looking at Wilbur and Roier.

"Pa/papa!", both kids yell as they ran towards their fathers.

Quackity got up slowly and winced at the pain as a hand went over his shoulder to feel his back.

"Quackity! are you alright?", Philza asked as Chayanne ran to them.

"You okay?", Chayanne asked looking at him.

"I'm fine, just hurts a lot", Quackity says.

"Quackity? are you hurt?", Slime asked.

Quackity looked over and saw the men that hurt him staring at him with worried eyes.

'Now what do I do?'

Was all that ran through Quackity's mind as his vision slowly blurred.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now