~In his eyes~

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"Are you going to put out the fire?", Tubbo asked.

"No let it all burn, plus it will die out by itself", Quackity says frowning.

"You sure?", Tubbo asked.

"Yeah lets head back", Quackity says walking back inside.

The two boys look at each other and sighed before following the duck back inside the house.

"Hey mama Q?", Tommy says.

"Mhm?", Quackity says as he turned around.

"Wanna go on a walk?", Tubbo asked.

"Sure", Quackity says.

They headed out as they grabbed their coats in case it gets cold. The men were still in the effect of the liquid and followed them.

The headed towards the forest and walked on the path, Quackity breathed in the open air as he placed his coat over his shoulders. He put his hands in his pocket as he saw Tommy practically jump up and down in excitement.

He sighed as he let a soft smile as he watched the two younger males act so happy.

That could never be you

Their love is real

And yours was a fake

No one would ever love

Something like you

Ugly scars

Ugly body

Worthless heart

Quackity flinched and covered his scared eye in panic. He breathed in and out to calm him self as he held his chest with his free hand.

The men hidden watch with wide eyes at the fear and panic in the younger ducks eyes. They felt their heart clench in guilt seeing him like this.

Quackity slowed down as his heart sped up and his hands got sweaty, he felt around in his pocket for something. He felt something and pulled it out, only to see a slightly worn packed of cigarettes.

'I don't remember having those there', Quackity thought as he pulled one out and grabbed his lighter.

He lit up and took a big puff from it and blew it out. He felt himself get calmer and felt sad at how drugs were the only thing helping him with that. He wanted to quit but he didn't know how else to cope, nevertheless, to let go of the past.

He felt something wet rush down his face and brought his free hand to touch it.


He was crying and he didn't even know nor feel it. He wiped them away and continued to walk behind Tommy and Tubbo, who didn't notice anything.

He felt himself shut down as his eyes rested and looked forwards without a reason. He blankly stared forwards as his arms feel to the side gracefully. Tommy and Tubbo turned around and flinched at the look in Quackity's eyes, they looked so empty.

Mad, angry, grief, sorrow, guilt, sadness.

That's all they saw, Tubbo caught sight of the cigarette burning in Quackity's fingers. He tapped Tommy and pointed towards it, seeing his boyfriend's frown and worried look.

They both stared as Quackity only kept walking and was about to run into them, if something (ahem someone) didn't stop him. He was pulled back gently as he stops walking and only frown staring forward. Tubbo watched as the cigarette started to burn more and more closer to Quackity's finger and was about to knock it off his hand. It was a little late movement as it burned a good amount of Quackity's pointer and middle finger. Quackity winced, seeming to be back to reality, and looked at his hand and the cigarette on the ground.

"S-sorry but you weren't responding nor were gonna stop walking, so we uh urm stopped you and you were going burnt so I knocked it down you hand but it was a little late since it burned you", Tubbo says nervously.

"Sorry, I lost focus", Quackity says emotionless as he stepped on the cigarette.

"Are you okay?", Tommy asked with a sad frown.

"Just fine", Quackity responded.

They continued walking as they reached a small pond. Quackity walked to it and sat down on the flat rocks that surrounded the pond. He leaned forward and looked into it. There was no sign of life, and the water was crystal clear. He placed his hand inside the water and sighed as he felt the coolness wrap his, still heated, burnt fingers.

He looked at himself and frowned, there was a time where he used to like the way he looked, but after a year or two of being married to Schlatt made him change his opinion. He was always reminded that he was worthless, ugly, hideous, that he only picked him because he was being generous.

His free hand clenched around the coat that was wrapped around his shoulders. He glared at his own self in disgust and hatred.

He knew he no longer loved who he was.

He didn't feel nothing of that to himself.

He just wanted to rest and forget.

He used the hand that was slightly in the water and splash the water that reflected his face. Tommy and Tubbo looked at him with worry, the duck held a face they don't ever like for him to have. They oh so do wish to make him happy, he never looked happy nowadays.

He only ever looked sad, angry, alone, hurt even.

Quackity watched as the water stayed still once more before staring deeply.

Looking at your self again?

Trust us when we say these words

You are hideous

No wonder they all hurt you

Used you

Betrayed you

Left you

Would have been better if you ended it all...Pumpkin

Quackity sucked in a harsh breath as he saw his reflection turn from himself, Luzu, Dream, George, Karl and Sapnap, Wilbur, Slime, Osvaldo, Roier and then finally Schlatt.

"N-no", Quackity said very quietly.

"Oh but yes pumpkin, you are nothing, want to know why? because you are not a good person, you are just like ME", Schlatt's reflection and a fragment of the voice in his head ringed those words around as he silently let tears fall.

Quackity was so scared, he forgot his surroundings, who he was with, where he even was. He felt someone touch his shoulder and instantly held a gun to the person. Everything was blurry, he couldn't see, he couldn't breathe.




He snapped out of his, tears rushing his face as fear and panic spread through his eyes. He looked at who yelled out to him, only to see Tommy and Tubbo in front of him.

He sucked in a breath as he saw he was pointing the gun at them, he was going to hurt them, the only two who wanted to stay.

Just like me

He slowly pulled the gun down as his breathing quicken.

'No! not this! I don't want this!', Quackity thought as he gasped softly for air, he took notice of the other two trying to catch his attention, screaming out to him as he slowly blacked out from lack of air.

"I'm sorry...", was the last thing he said before it all went black.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora