~The truth is out~

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Quackity groaned and held his head as he slowly got up, he looked around with blurry eyes noticing he was in his bed. He rubbed his eyes a bit and sighed as his vision cleared. He looked out the window it was nighttime. He took a look at his clock and noticed it was 2 in the morning. He sighed and frowned sadly as the event of earlier clouded his mind as he got up. He grabbed a blunt and his lighter and walked out his room and into the kitchen.

He felt dread fill his body, he was guilty, he didn't want to turn into him, he wasn't going to turn out like that. A familiar feeling of hopelessness filled his mind and heart, he opened the top cupboard and looked at the alcoholic bottles he had. He grabbed a bottle of tequila and sat down in the ground of the living room. He kicked the table as he took a swing of the tequila to give him more room. He swallowed the liquor and grimaced before putting it down.

He pulled out his blunt out and lit it. He took a few hits before taking a break and started to drink the tequila more and more.


"Tubbo hey wake up!", Tommy whispered yelled.

"Mhm? w-what Toms?", Tubbo yawned waking up.

"I hear this falling down stairs, cmon on", Tommy says dragging Tubbo down the stairs.

"Hello?", Tommy called out before he got a clear sight of a red beanie.

"Mama Q?", Tommy says confused.

"What are you- Woah! stop your bleeding!", Tommy yelled worried.

Quackity didn't hear him as he tried to take out the glass that he broke from the bottle and stuck into his arms. Tubbo quickly ran over to him and grabbed his hands, he took note that Quackity wasn't listening to them at all.

Quackity only stared at the blood slowly starting to go down his arm to his hands with blank eyes. Tommy ran over to him and gently grabbed his face and turned it so Quackity could look at him. Quackity slowly looked from his arms to Tommy, Tommy flinched at the blank emotionless eyes that stared at him.

"W-what happened?", Tommy asked voice shaking.

"Glass broke", Quackity says emotionless.

"Why? why did it break?!", Tubbo asked panicking.

"I broke it", Quackity says only looking past Tommy now staring at the wall.

"Then how did it get i-in your arm, god Q you're bleeding so much!?", Tommy yelled.

Quackity slowly moved his eyes to Tommy and smiled.

"I stabbed it into my arms"

Tommy and Tubbo's blood ran cold as well as the men that slowly could be seen yet not so much. Tubbo was pale white as he turned his eyes to Tommy then to in front of him and the other two. He saw the same men slowly become solid beings, yet they were transparent, yet despite that they looked ghostly pale at what Quackity said.

"W-why! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!", Tommy yelled as tears rushed down his face.

"Makes me remind", Quackity says as he leaned back abruptly having Tommy catch him.

"R-remind you what?", Tubbo asked as tries were falling silently.

"Remind my self that they were right", Quackity says looking up at the ceiling.

"That what Q? what was right?", Tommy pressed.

"That the voices were right about me, there was this time it called me a monster and that everyone thought the same things, not even a week or so people called me a monster, a murderer, manipulative. Schlatt wanted me to become like him, that's why people called me that, because I did something Schlatt wanted done. You know how awful it made me feel, I promised I wouldn't turn out like him." Quackity says softly.

Tubbo pulled up Quackity's sleeves and gasped loudly as mor tears rushed down his face. Tommy looked as well as the men, their faces went paler, and they felt sick.

There were so many scars, old and new, the skin looked slightly ruff, but that wasn't what made them sick, it was the words that looked old, carved into his skin.





It was small but they could see it plain as day behind the cuts that covered it.

"Wanna know something, I want to go, leave, never breath again, I feel it would be so peaceful to fall from a cliff, or oh! drown peacefully in the ocean, I love the ocean, don't you think that would be so fun!", Quackity giggled as he let his head fall to the side.

"I tried so many times, yet somehow I survived, you see the barely noticeable fading scar around my neck, I tried to hang myself when I was married to Schlatt, then again when Karl and Sapnap ended things with me", Quackity laughed as he told them all his secrets.

"I always wondered why people treated me badly or why they leave, I always thought it was just a thing of the moment but the more I grew the more I knew it was because of me, I was a thing for people to use and hurt, I was a burden to those who tried to be around me", Quackity said softly as tears began to fall down his face.

"N-no! you were never a problem nor a burden Q! god you have been the best person to everyone and all they do is treat you like shit!", Tubbo yelled angry.

"It unfair to you! you should have not been used the way you did, you never wanted to hurt anyone and at least WE know that, you deserve better, so much better than what this life have given you", Tommy says as he hugged Quackity crying.

Quackity slowly turned over to look at them only to see blonde hair blocking his vision.

"I am just as cold and heartless as they wanted me to become", Quackity says quietly.

"No you are far from that, fucking far far", Tommy said softly.

Quackity slightly smiled before his vision turn black and he once again passed out.

Tommy and Tubbo looked up as they felt Quackity go limb.

"Q?...QUACKITY", Tubbo yelled in panic.

Tommy quickly checked for a pulse and found one, it was weak, but it was there.

"Shit he's weak, we need to do something!", Tommy yelled in panic.

"We could help", Slime says as they fully became solid looking again.

"W-why would you, you all caused this!", Tommy yelled.

"We did, but let us fix what we have done, please", Luzu says with sad eyes.

Tommy and Tubbo looked at each other and slightly nodded as they turned over to look at them again.

"Okay", both of them say.

~His broken soul (Quackityxeveryone)~Where stories live. Discover now