Gone was all the friendly pretense now.

“I told you it was a mutual decision”, Gemma jumped in before I could so much as take a breath. “We wanted an intimate ceremony, and we knew that wouldn’t have been possible with a bunch of top celebrities on the guestlist. You know how these damn paparazzi are!”

Yet in the shadows of her protective statement, her words held sorrow, the dark emotion painfully cutting me like a knife in the heart. She tried to hide it from me, but our minds still were one, her effort in vain. As much as I hated to admit it, Sophie was right about this one: At first, I had separated my mate from everyone she loved, had forced her to come to terms with her new life all on her own, with only a mate by her side she was scared of and didn’t yet trust. I remorselessly dragged her into my world, not caring at all about the world she came from. I was selfish, succumbed to the animalistic desires of my wolf without making any effort to care about how my mate felt. Therefore, the first weeks we spend together would always be a dark memory for both of us. And the worst part of it all is I only realized the severity of my actions after a human woman frankly pointed it out to me.

The most important thing is you realized your mistake and you changed, Gemma’s warm voice invaded my mind. I already told you once and I will tell you again: I know now that you had no choice, that your wolf overwhelmed you. I don’t blame you anymore.

Sometimes the hardest part is to forgive oneself. My hand involuntarily tightened around her waist. As your mate, it’s my duty and honor to see to your happiness, and I failed to do so when you needed it the most. It’s a shame I will have to live with until the end of my days.

“You are right, I know that better than anyone else”, Sophie admitted bitterly.

She crossed her arms over her breasts, throwing me a look that could’ve cut through iron.

“Still, it’s not like you to fall head over heels for some hillbilly and basically marrying him on the spot. Is he blackmailing you? Threatening you in any kind of way? Whatever it is …”

Gemma wiggled herself out of my grip and took a step towards her friend, taking her hand in hers.

“Thanks for worrying about me, but there is really no need to.” She turned around, catching my eyes with hers. “Before I got to know Caleb, the only life I knew was a lonely life in the spotlight, with people judging me wherever I went. Then we met, we fell in love – and for the first time in my life, I felt like I was truly being cared for, like I belonged somewhere, to someone. I want to spend the rest of my days with him, and if that means I’ll have to give up my glamorous life as a model, it’s a sacrifice I am more than willing to make. Because what I get in return is this wonderful man by my side.”

“You are meaning what you say, aren’t you?”, Sophie realized, astonishment on her face. “The way you are looking at him … I’ve never seen you looking at someone else like that.”

Gemma gave her friend a bright smile.

“I know I sound like a heroine from one of those terribly cheesy romance movies, but yes, it’s how I really feel.”

At that, Sophie’s features lightened up as well. Finally.

“All that matters is that you are happy.”

The Alpha's Prey [Alpha-series (I)]Where stories live. Discover now