Chapter 36: I Shall Wait and See the Day You Get Hurt Playing with Fire

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"Miss Kim , I am running out of patience."

"I am sorry, no comment." Jisoo stared at Taehyung.

"Miss Kim , I won't repeat my words the third time. SeokJin , call Zhuo Sheng Bank and tell them that their staff has offended me." He was still holding the phone in his hand.

" Kim Taehyung..."

"Mr Kim, this will upset Mrs Kim." PA Jin felt that he should stop him from playing with fire. Or else, Mrs Kim would retaliate.

"Call now." His tone was indifferent.

'Just go ahead. I shall wait and see the day you get hurt playing with fire.' PA Jin took out his phone.

Taehyung was still staring at Jisoo, waiting for her to respond.

"The rumor is true. Mr Kim is extremely despicable." Jisoo suddenly smiled.

"I just need the answer. I do not care about the process." Taehyung answered coolly.

"What would you do after this? Inform the media and let them tell the public that Mrs Kim did such a foolish thing for Mr Kim?" Jisoo sneered.

Taehyung furrowed his brow.

PA Jin was presently covered in cold sweat. 'Miss Kim , you are really brave.'

"Well, Chaeyoung really has no sense of shame falling for someone beyond her reach, falling into such a sorry state and being attacked by the media. She asked for all these."

"Are you waiting for me to call HR that is paying your wages?" Restraining his anger, Taehyung stared coldly at PA Jin.

PA Jin trembled and hurriedly called Zhuo Sheng Bank. Jisoo was sacked right after the call. Hanging up her phone, her hands were still shaking as she watched the man in the car.

"Mr Kim's dictatorship is truly eye-opening. You may leave now. I will never sell her out. That is her last piece of dignity."

Taehyung was puzzled. What had Chaeyoung actually done, even an ex-friend was still siding her? PA Wen's back was wet through, soaked in sweat. 'Mrs Kim's friend is not inferior to her.'

"That is great." Taehyung rolled up the window and instructed PA Jin to leave.

Watching the car leave, Jisoo loosened her fists. She could not help but laugh at herself—what was she after to offend the most powerful person in B City for a friend that was no more?

In the car, PA Jin drove carefully while looking at Taehyung who was still staring at the notebook.

"I thought you said they are no longer friends?" Taehyung suddenly asked.

"That is true," PA Jin wiped off his sweat as he answered.

'But they broke up because of you. You are their common enemy!' Unfortunately, PA Jin dared not say this.

"Chaeyoung is truly something. She is capable of making many people take her side."

Taehyung fiddled with the notebook. But suddenly, he threw it to the front of the car. The notebook hit the windshield and bounced off.

PA Jin shivered again. How he wished he could apply for leave now. Recently, Mr Kim's mood swings were worse than a woman having a period.

"Pick it up!" Taehyung was burning in rage, like a woman reaching an early menopause.

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