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Waleed's pov.
I sat down next to her leaving a bit of space between us, close enough to feel her warmth and far enough to not get in contact. I knew she was a Hijabi so I don't want to cross her boundaries. There was shine in her eyes that made them sparkle, those eyes were beautiful, they felt like magnet to mine and I just couldn't stop staring.

 There was shine in her eyes that made them sparkle, those eyes were beautiful, they felt like magnet to mine and I just couldn't stop staring

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Looking at how the sky has changed from orange to a different shades of pink and a bit of blue, the sun was setting, she bought her knees down to let her get a better view

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Looking at how the sky has changed from orange to a different shades of pink and a bit of blue, the sun was setting, she bought her knees down to let her get a better view.
"This is beautiful" she said whilst looking at the hues of the sky.
"It is indeed beautiful, Allah is indeed the best of creators" I said absentmindedly referring to her. She soon realized what I said only when she blushed and gave me a sheepish smile did I also realize. "You're handsome too, much more handsome than any guy I've seen" she replied giving me goosebumps.
I decided to change the topic.
"Zahra, tell me more about yourself" I said.
"Like what do you want to know".
" Maybe your family, your hobbies and other things you love".
"Okay then, I'm from a family of 5, I'm the second and last born, I have an elder brother named Abubakar".
"You said 5, apart from you two and your parents, who else".
"There's my stepmom too, my father married two wives actually. My stepmom was the first, she is a loving woman, from what I heard, their marriage was arranged that's why he married my mom, his love, two years after their own marriage. She actually gave birth to a son and named him Abubakar too, he died due to pneumonia so when my mom gave birth to ya Abubakar, he was named after his dead brother. Ya Abubakar is 5 years older than me, making him 26 now, although his birthday will be in two months and I'll be home by then".
"So this means I'm months older than him, my birthday was in the last three months."
"Oh that's great, so you're five years and 5 months older than me"
"Yup, when's the date, mine's on 27th of May"
"Mine's on 24th of October".
"Great, let's talk about food now "
"My favorite is none actually, I like lots of different foods and dislike lots of them too, you'll get to know with time".
"Me too, but I'll actually say I prefer Nigerian dishes that aren't local".
"Like? Just give an example" she said in a questioning tone.
"For example I love party Jollof but I hate Tuwo"
"I hate all swallows too except pounded yam"
"I don't like pounded yam even"
"You know what, all this talk is making me miss home, and my maama's cooking" she said with a pout.
"Talking about home, Abba said I should meet him last weekend and I came up with an excuse to come this weekend. Today is Thursday so I'll be leaving next tomorrow in the evening"
"But why" she said pouting more.
" I really don't know, he just said he wants to see me. But I won't take long"
"Please try your best to come back early"
"Looks like someone's gonna miss me" I giggled.
"No, I barely know you" she said with a frown.
"Hmm, so you normally tell strangers you love them" I said bringing my hand to my chin 🤔. She hesitantly smacked my chest and stood up to leave.
"Ouch" I pretended to be hurt while holding the place she hit as I was rolling on the floor.
"Are you okay?" She asked with a worried look as I let out a thunderous laugh seeing how she fell for that. She kicked me in my belly.
"Argh" I shrieked "I really felt this one".
"You think I'll believe you, just get up and take me home". She yelled as she walked towards the steps.
"Make sure you don't fall or I'll be there to catch you again" I said as I hurried over to catch up with her. I could see how she gave me a deadly glare. I actually liked this side of her too. The tough and or annoyed side.

I huffed as my back touched the cold sheets of my bed. I had such a great night. I took my phone to text Abid telling him I'm back.
Sitting up and leaning my back on the headboard, I was lost in my thoughts. I'm totally into this girl since I can't stop thinking about her. When we left cat bells mountain and got in the car. Her angry face was now void. I hit the road as we headed back into the city. I looked through the side of my eye, and she was smiling whilst playing with her fingers.
"I hope that smile was caused by me". I said in a flirty tone.
"Well, yeah and I forgot to thank you for tonight, nature is the greatest gift you know".
"Pstt, no need to thank me, seeing you smile was my goal, and I actually got to see that, so it's a win".
"I also love the way you look at me. The love in your eyes. I love my effect on you".
"I would love to be the reason behind your smile forever."
She nodded in an appreciative gesture and the next few seconds were of silence.
"Miss zahra, could you direct me to your home".
"Oh! Totally forgot".

"Yo" Abid barged into the room pulling me out of my trance.
"Abiddd" I chide stressing the end of his name.
"Oh sorry I didn't knock, won't happen again".
"Same thing you said the last time".
"So how did it go"
"Argh, I want details man".
"Okay so we prayed Maghreb, I opened the car for her like gentleman I am, she got in with her right leg after sitting. So we took off, we smiled at each other, she looked away, she looked through the windscreen ...""Fuck just shut up man, this isn't how to narrate your experience, which one is she looked away, you're even telling me which foot she used".
"Abid, who asked for details here".
"I did but if this is how the tale's gonna be, then I'm no longer interested".
"Better, you can now leave, I want to sleep".
"Su Waleed anyi budurwa zaka dawo guna zakaga shariya" (so you now have a girlfriend, I won't be interested when you come back to me).
I stood up and dragged him to the door. I opened it using my right hand, as my left was on his shoulders.
"So you're really chasing me out of..." he probably finished his sentence outside the room since I pushed him out of the door a moment ago.
I took a deep breath and took my phone to text her good night before zooming out into sleepville.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, things are starting to get interesting. To find out how this duo will end up, add up Why(Hausa) to your library. Don't forget to vote, comment your opinions and share to motivate your dear writer.😉

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