Update: Change of Plans

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Hey everyone!
So I've been on a bit of hiatus due to a lot of things going on in my life right now. However, I've been wanting to continue writing this AU lately, so I'm deciding to come back!

Originally I was going to write a one shot book for stories that happened between this book and the sequel, but I'm having a difficult time doing so. I've also lost interest in my original plan for the sequel's plot. So, now that I've been told what the plot for Descendants 2 is (haven't watched the rest of the series because I liked the ending of Descendants 1 too much) I now have inspiration for the sequel. It will take place before the characters are adults, and follow Virgil, Remus, Remy, Janus, Patton, and other characters (OCs of mine and the person I role played the original AU with such as Ember, Aslov (Ember's roommate), Jaxon, and of course Sweet Coraline)

(Ba ba ba)

As they attend another year at Auradon Prep. Of course Roman, Logan, and Emile will be involved in the story as well, they have just graduated before the others in the story.

Many stories will be told on the sequel that I planned to tell in the One Shot book! I'm quite excited for it. I'll let y'all know when I post it!

In the meantime, this is the cover.

In the meantime, this is the cover

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