Chapter 15: Getting to Know Eachother

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Remy's POV
(Warning for: Well, it's the same discussion they've had throughout the story about their parents, but this time they're more direct about what their parents will do if they fail.)

"I can't do it, Remy. I just... I can't do it." Virgil murmured, pacing back and forth across the dorm. "Relax. It's just one dinner, how hard can it be?" I sighed, feeling annoyed as I laid in my bed and did my nails. "I can't handle it. He drives me crazy. He's too good at this. I'm scared that I'll mess up and ruin everything." Virgil panicked, his breathing getting out of control. "Virgil, hey. Listen to me." I said, sitting up quickly and putting away the nail filer.

     I walked over to Virgil and caught him, holding his arms tightly. "You need to breath." I told him firmly. Virgil nodded, slowly taking in deep breaths. "There you go." I told him before letting him go. "I hate this... I can't do this... I can't handle it Remy. He makes me an absolute mess... and I'm scared... What happens if..." Virgil rambled incoherently before stopping himself. "If?" I prompted, raising an eyebrow. "Remy... if this keeps up... I might fall in love with him..." Virgil admitted quietly, seeming terrified by the thought. What is it with these Auradons and getting us to fall in love with them? I wondered.

     "Is that really so bad?" I asked, causing him to look at me suspiciously. "I mean... You could still be with him. Yeah, sure, the love potion thing isn't great, but you could always undo it and apologize." I elaborated. "But we need him to be under the spell for this plan to work." Virgil groaned. "Besides... Even if they let him live, he'll never want to talk to me again... and I don't want Mom to force him to be with me." He added. "Then... maybe we don't have to carry out the plan." I suggested.

     "What? Of course we do. Remy, what the hell has gotten into you? Of course we have to carry out the plan, that's why we came here." Virgil demanded. "Yeah, but... Why do we have to be evil, just because our parents are?" I asked hesitantly. "Look, Remy, I know you hate your mother, and you have every right to... but if we don't do this, your parents could kill you, and my Mom..." Virgil began, taking a deep breath. "This is my chance to finally make her proud of me..." He murmured.

     Maybe I should talk to him about this later... I still need to talk to Remus and Janus, maybe they can help me convince him... That is, if they agree... Janus may have changed Remus's mind instead of the other way around. I thought.

     "Alright... You're right..." I sighed, taking a deep breath. "How can I help?" I asked, putting my hands into my pockets. "How do I handle his flirting? What am I supposed to do?" Virgil groaned. "Flirt back." I told him with a shrug. "You said that before. But when he flirts with me it takes all my willpower to keep from shutting down. People don't flirt with me, Remy. I don't know how to handle this." Virgil complained, hiding his face in his hands.

     I smirked as an idea entered my mind, and walked closer to Virgil. I took his hands and lowered them, forcing him to look at me. "What are you doing?" Virgil questioned, looking sceptically at my smirk. "Helping you build a tolerance for flirting." I told him before pressing him up against the wall. "Hey baby... I couldn't help but see that you're looking awfully delicious." I flirted, causing Virgil to blink, looking at me with nothing but confusion. After processing what I said, his lips became a thin line, and it quickly became obvious he was holding back laughter.

     Feeling offended, I scoffed and released him, and he quickly covered his hand to muffle his breath. "Sorry... I..." Virgil attempted to say, but speaking only caused the laughter to spill out. "That was one of my best lines!" I pouted, crossing my arms as he clutched his stomach and bent over. "I- I- I'm sorry! Ha! It's just..." Virgil said between laughter, trying to pull himself together. "Listen, if anyone... Heh... if... one sec..." Virgil started before taking a deep breath.

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