Chapter 23: Where I Belong pt 2

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Remus's POV
(Warning for: Anxiety, a dirty joke, vague memories of verbal abuse, Remus makes a disturbing comment, description of slight injury done to a child, and side effects from child abuse.)

     "You'll be fine." Roman assured me as we followed Cogsworth down the halls. I was fidgeting nervously, trying to keep calm. What if they're disappointed? I thought. What if they'd prefer someone like Remy that can be charming and classy when he wants to? Or someone like Janus who can be professional, classy, neat, and responsible? Or someone like Virgil, who was literally raised to rule one day? I thought. Ha, that would be awkward, considering Roman and Virgil wanna smash. My thoughts than joked. See, this is the problem. My thoughts informed me. You're not supposed to be here.

     I decided to focus on my surroundings. We were now walking into an opening in the hall, where a twin staircase lead to the largest pair of double doors I have ever seen. The doors were made of oak wood, and had beautiful and ornate carvings resembling roses surrounding windows of stained glass. The area was decorated with many potted plants, suits of armour, decorative weapons, and a beautiful carpet that told Belle and Adam's story through lots of pictures. The room was lit by candles in golden candleholders, and I'm assuming they were scented candles because the entire room smelled like vanilla.

     Speaking of candles, a tall and skinny man wearing a brown suit entered the hall, his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. A woman wearing a classic maid uniform and plenty of feathers had her arms linked with his, and she giggled excitedly when she saw us. "I heard that the Prince has snuck in again, and he has company?" The man questioned. "How did you know about that, Lumiere?" Cogsworth questioned, looking at the maid suspiciously. "Word travels quickly, Monsieur." The maid informed him with a giggle. "Is it true then? That this is Duke?" Lumiere questioned, looking hopefully towards me.

     "That's what he claims, but he could be lying." Cogsworth sighed, causing me to look down. "Have a little heart, Cogs. Looks at the poor dear, he's a nervous wreck." The maid sighed before pulling away from Lumiere and walking over to me. "My name is Plumette. What's yours dear?" She greeted. "Uh... Remus..." I replied, hesitantly offering my hand. She smiled and accepted it, only to giggle when I shook her hand. "You know, you're supposed to kiss a lady's hand." She informed me. "Uh, no thanks. You have a boyfriend, I think, and I'm very gay." I informed her, causing her to laugh again. It didn't sound mean, more lighthearted, so I was more confused by her laughter than anything else.

     "Don't worry about it dear." She assured me before turning to Cogsworth. "He could be acting nervous to gain our sympathy." Cogsworth pointed out. "So you were going to wake the King and Queen to bring them a fraud? Not very responsible of you, Mr. Royal Advisor." Lumiere teased with a grin. "I didn't say he was a fraud. It's just as possible he's telling the truth. I just don't want you to rush headfirst into excitement." Cogsworth huffed. "Why not? It worked last time." Lumiere retorted. "This is a much different situation!" Cogsworth informed him.

     "You know, Cogs, you're a lot like Virgil." I suddenly blurted with a giggle. "Wait... Remus why did you have to put that image into my head?" Roman demanded, looking horrified at the though. I just cackled, the humour helping me cope with the stress of all this. "Virgil?" Cogsworth questioned with a disapproving look. "Oh, Virgil. That's the boy that you've fallen for, isn't it?" Plumette teased Roman, causing him to blush. "Heh... Yeah..." He admitted, blushing and scratching the back of his neck. He then paled, looking at the door in panic when he realized he would have to face the consequences for that.

     "Uh... You know what Cogsworth? This can wait... We can just go back to school." Roman stammered before backing away. I snickered as I watched Lumiere knock on the door, despite feeling ten times as nervous as Roman did. "Don't worry, I'm probably gonna steal the spotlight off that." I whispered as Lumiere opened the doors. "You two wait out here. We will handle this." Cogsworth informed us before he and Lumiere entered Belle and Adam's bedroom.

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